LXXVIII. 7 March 1467

7 March 1467. 

This endenture witnessith that WilHam Lawe, of the Towne of Dovorre, in the Counte of Kent, gentilman, and Alice, his wifF, have taken and to fferme laten to Thomas Pultere, Squiere, a Berne a gardein w' a douffhous thereinne w* the app'ten^'nces, lying and being w'inne the liberte of the said towne of Dovorre, in Horspoleward, to the Kinges highe wey ayenst the east, and to the Garlik mede ayenst the west, to the gardein of John Edward ayenst the southe, and to the garden of Thomas ffooke toward the northe : to have and to holde the said Berne, gardein, and douffhous w' the app'tenncez, to the seid Thomas Pidtere, his executors, or to his certein attorney, fro the ffeast of Midsomere next after the date of the p'sentz fer the terme of iiij"^" * yeres thanne nexte folowing and fully complete, during whiche terme the seid Thomas Pultere shalle kepe alle reparacions to the same necessarie, and also to paie to the seid William, to heze eires and heze assigns, at every ffest of Mid somere during the said terme vs. sterlingez, and if it happe the seid Thomas Pultere, his executors, or his assignes to faile of any day of paiement above lymyted by oone monthe, that thanne it shalle be lawfulle to the seid William and Alice, to there eires and to there assignez in the seid Berne, gardein, and culverhous, to distreine, and the distressez to lede and carie away un to the tyme ther be satisfiene : and if it happe the seid Thomas Pultere, his executors or his assignez, to faile in any day of paiement above lymytid by oone quartere of oone yere, or elles if the said Thomas, his executors or his assignez, duringe allc the seid terme kepe not the seid Berne and colverehous sufficiently w' alle repara cions thereto necessarie and behovefull, that thanne it schalle be lefulle to the seid William and Alice, to there eirez and there assignez in to the seid Berne, colverehous, and gardein to re-entre, and the seid Thomas, his executors or his assignez, utterly to putte oute : and the seld Thomas and Alice, and theire eirez, graunte to warentize un to the seid Thomas duringe the seid terme, under the condicione above- seid, the seid Berne, culverhouse, and gardein, and to his executours or to his assignez. 

In witnesse whereofF aswelle the seid William and Alice as the seid Thomas to this endentures severally have putt there scales at Dovorre the vij'*"" day of Marche the vij'^' yere of o' Soveraigne Lord King Edward, the fFourthe sithe the Conqueste. 

Witnessinge : Richard Palmere, Mair ; Nicholus Bor- tone, Bayly ; Thomas Hexstalle ; Thomas Gore ; Thomas Grace ; William ScherifFe ; Robert Rotier ; w' many othere.
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