1 September 1559.
This indenture made the ffirste daye of Septembre in the ffirste yere of the reigne of oure Sovereine the ^uene that nowe is, Elizabethe, by the grace of God Quene of Ingland, ffraunce, and Ireland, Defender of the fFeythe, and of the Churche of Ingland and Ireland Supreme Governer, betwene Thomas CoUey, Mayer of the towne and porte of Dovor, Harry Leonard, Roger Gryse, John Milleward, and Thomas Ramysden, the Chamberlaines of the said towen for this present yere, of the one parte, and Antony Burton, of the seide towen and porte of Dovor, of the other parte, witness ithe, that the seide Mayer and Chamberlaines by there onely assentis and concentis have demysed, grauntyd, and to fferme hathe letten unto the seide Antony Burton and his assignes, the Churche yerde of Seint Martens, whiche Thomas Dawkes late had in occupyency, to have and to holde the seide Churche yerde of Seint Martens unto the seide Antony Burton and his assignes from the ffeste of Seint Mixhell Tharchaungell next commynge after the date herof unto thend and term of xxj . yeres then nexte ensuyng fully to be completyd and endyd ; yeldyng and therefore yerely payeng unto the seide Mayer and Chamberlaines and to their suc cessors for the tyme beyng \\js/i. lu'y/. of goode and lawfull money of Ingland ate ij. pryncipall ffeste in the yere, that ys to saye, at the ffestes of the Annunciacion of oure Lady Seint Mare the Virgyn and Seint Myxhell Tharchaungell, by evyn porcions to be payed, and all repparacions about the seide churche yerde, if any be, shall yerely be borne at the only propre cost and charges of the seide Antony Burton and his assignes duringe all the seide terme, and if hit happen the seide yerely fferme, or half-ycrely fferme, to be behind in part or in all not payed within viij. the dayes nexte after any of the seide ffeste in the whiche hit oughte to be payed, beyng lawfully asked, that then hit shalbe law full unto ye seide Mayer and Chamberiaines for the tymc beyng into the seide churche yardc and every parte and parcel! thereof to enter and distreyne, and the distress so by them lawfully takyn, or ther assignes, to leade, carrc, and dryve awaye and unto [them] retayne unreplyiable unto such tyme as the seide rent and the arreragies thereof, if any, then beyng be hynde and nott payed, be unto the seide Mayer and Chamberiaines for the tyme beyng ffulley satis fyed, contentyd, and payed : and yf it happen the seide yerely fferme of n]s/i. iiij^. to be behynde in parte or in all nott payed within xv. dayes next after any of the seide festes in the whiche hit oughte to be payed, that then hit shalbe lefull unto the seide Mayer and Chamberiaines, and their assignes, into the seide churche yerde to re-enter, and the seide Antony Burton and his assignes to expulsse and putt cute, any thynge in this present Indenture to the contrare notwithstending. Provydyd alwys that the seide Antony Burton and his assignes do leve a lawfull waie for to bery the poore from tyme to tyme as ofte as nede shall requyre.
In witnesse wherof to the one parte of this indenture we have caused the scale of office of Mayraltie herunto to be affixed and putte the daye and yere above written.
Part of the seal remains.