14 March 1562.
This Indenture Made The xiiijth day of Marche, in the fourthe yere of the reigne of our Soveraine Lady Elizabeth, by the grace of God of Ingland, fFraunce, and Ireland Quene, Defender of the Faith, etc. Betwene William Hannyngton, esquier, Maire of the Quenes Majesties Town and Porte of Dovor, in the county of Kent, John Hobday, Thomas Painter, Robert Nycham, Cristopher Elyott, Chamberlaines of the same town, on the one partye, and Leonard Warren, and Clement Haryson, of the towne and porte of Dovor, in the county aforesaid, yomen, on the other partye, Wyttnessyth yt the said Mayor and Chamberlaines for and in the name of the towne of Dovor, have dymysed, graunted, and to ferme letten, for them and there successors, unto the said Leonard Warren and Clement Haryson, ther heyres and assignes, the passage boote, comonly cauled the faring boote of Dovor, yt is to say the setting a borde ot all manner of packettis, postis, and passengers yt shalle take passage from this towne of Dovor, and allso the settinge on lande of all packettis, postis, and passengers yt shall here aryve to be set a lande, with alle and alle manner proffytin comodyties and advantages as hathe been used or accustomed to apertaine in any manner of wyse to ye sayde faring bote, eyther in the maine sea rode or within the haven at any tyme heretofore, To have and holde the sayde faring or faryng boote unto the sayde Leonard Warren and Clement Haryson, there heires and assignes, bv the space of fyve vcres, begynnyng at ye feast of the Annuncyacion of o' Lady next ensuying, the dat hereof fully to be complett and ended : Yklding and paing yercly unto the chamber of ye towne of Dovor, or to the handes of the Mayor and Chamberlaines for the tymc being, ye some of syx poundis thirtene shlllinges and fower pence lawful! money of Ingland, halfe yerely to be payde, yt is to say at the feast of St. Mighaelle the Archaungelle, and the feast of the Annuncyation of o' Lady afore sayde by even portions. Anu vf it shallc fortune ye saide yerely farme to be behinde and unpaide, in parte or in alle, after any of the saide feastes in ye whiche it ought to be paide, duringe the terme aforesaide, by the space of xiiij. dayes, being lawfully asked, that then it shalbe lawfull for the Mayor and Chamberlaines for the tyme being ye said Leonard Warren and Clement Haryson, there heyres and assignes from the said faring and faring boote utterly to expell, remove, and put out, and the saide faryng or faring bote to repossess to the townes use as in there former estate, this indenture or any thinge thcryn conteyncd to ye contrary notwithstanding. Allso the sayde Leonard Warren and Clement Haryson covenant and graunt, and bv these presentes themselfes, binds there heyres and assignes to and with the said Mayor and Chamberlaines, that there executors, heyres, or assignes shall from tyme to tyme, at there owne proper costes and charges, finde one suifficvent able bote, or more if nede require, with oners and other necessaries to serve the Quenes [Majestie aboute any of her] affaires yt unto ye faring shalle apertaine, with sufficient and so many able men as shalle belong necessarylye to ye furniture of the said bote or bootes, allwais redy as well by night as by day to serve ye Quenes Majestie and alle other persons as before expressed, and allso to be redy with the saide bote or botes to serve the Mayre at comaundement from time to time, either for the Quene or for ye towne, with one other officer by the apointment of the Maire for the tyme being about ye townes affayres on colleceons as occasyon shall serve, to passe to and fro frely within ye saide bote without payyng any thing therefore. And the said Mayer and Chamberlaines bind themselfes and there successors by the presentes to be aydyng and assystlng unto ye said Leonard Warren and Clement Haryson, there heyres and assignes, from tyme to tyme yt they and every of them shall quietly serve, possesse, and receve the said proffites, comodyties, and advantages as is before expressed : Pro vvDED yt the sayde Leonard Warren and Clement Haryson, there heyres and assignes, shall not at any tyme hereafter, during ye terme aforesayd, exact, enhaunce, or usurpe by excess, taking for any ther sirvys other than hath been rated and accustomed heretofore, or to be rated by the dyscressyon of ye Mayre and Jurates.
In wytness whereof to ye one parte of thys indenture we, the sayde Mayer and Chamberlaines, have caused ye scale of ofiyce of mayoraltye of ye towne and porte abovesayde, to thes presentes to be affyxed, and ye said Leonard Warren and Clement Haryson to ye other parte have sett there seale and handes, ye daye and yere abovesayd, anno 1562.
Per me, Leonred Warren, written over one seal still re maining, a mark for Clement Harrison over the other seal remaining.
On the back :
Allso it is further agreed by ye sayde Mayre and Chamberlaines yt ye sayde Leonard Warren and Clement Haryson, or there assignes, shall from tyme to tyme gcvc advertysement unto the Mayor for ye tyme being during the terme aforesayde, of alle such shippes and bootes as shalle arryve within ye haven with any manner of rytaiie or merchandyze, mete or profitable, for ye Mayor and Jurats, or for ye hole towne as ofte as occasyon shall serve.
Two seals remain.