16 April 1563.
Know all men by the presents that we, Robert Hedley, of the town and port of Dover, in the county of Kent, ship- wright, and Katherine, his wife, daughter and heir of William Spurnestone, lately of Dover aforesaid, deceased, for a certain sum of money well and lawfully paid into our hands by John Lucas, of the town and port aforesaid, ship- wright, and for other divers considerations specially moving us, have remitted, released, and have entirely from us, for us, and our heirs, quit-claimed to the aforesaid John Lucas, being in the full possession of him, his heirs, and assigns, for the use of the said John Lucas, his heirs, and assigns for ever, all our title, claim, interest, and demand therein, which we have had or in any way might be able to have, of and in the whole of that new garden, with all its appurtenances, situated, lying, and being within the Liberty of the town and port aforesaid, in Georges Ward, to wit, between the common lane to the north-west, the cliff to the south-east, the land of our Lady the Queen, lately belonging to the Domus Dei of Dover aforesaid, called the Maison Dieu, and now in the occupation of Thomas Cockerell, to the south- west and north-east : So that, to wit, neither we, the afore said Robert Hedley and Katharine, his wife, nor our heirs, nor anyone else for us, or in our name, shall either be able or ought in any way, in the future henceforward, to claim, demand, or challenge any right, title, claim, interest, or demand in the aforesaid garden, with its appurtenances, nor in any parcel of the same, but that we are entirely excluded from all action of right, title, and claim, interest, and demand to the same, and by the presents are for ever shut out.
In witness whereof we, the aforesaid Robert Hedley and Katherine, his wife, have affixed our seals to this our present deed.
Given at Dover on the sixteenth day of April in the fifth year of the reign of our Lady Queen Elizabeth, etc. In the year 1563.
[This deed is so similar to the previous one that no translation is necessary.]
This is the final agreement made in the Court of our Lady the Queen Elizabeth, held at the town and port of Dover on the sixteenth day of April in the fifth year of the reign of our Lady Elizabeth, by the grace of God, etc. Before John Robins, Mayor of the town and port of Dover ; Thomas Warren, Richard Jebbes, Thomas Burnell, and Alexander Minge, Jurats ; and other of our Lady the Queen's lieges there present ; between John Lucas, complainant, and Robert Hedley and Katharine, his wife, deforciants, of and over a garden with its appurtenances, situated, lying, and being within the Liberty of the town and port aforesaid in Georges Ward, between the Common Lane to the north- west, the cliff to the south-east, the land of our Lady the Queen, lately belonging to the Domus Dei, of Dover, called the Maison Dieu, and now in the occupation of Thomas Cockerell, to the south-west and north-east, concerning which a plea for breach of covenant was summoned between them in the said Court. To wit, that the aforesaid Robert Hedley and Katharine, his wife, being called, came, and recognised that the aforesaid garden with its appurtenances was the right of the said John Lucas, as that which he had of the gift of the aforesaid Robert and Katharine, and they remitted and quit -claimed it for themselves, the said Robert and Katharine, and their heirs, or the heirs of either of them, to the aforesaid John Lucas, and the heirs of the said John himself for ever ; and, furthermore, the said Robert Hedley and Katharine granted for themselves and their heirs, and for the heirs of either of them, that they will warrant the aforesaid garden with its appurtenances to the aforesaid John Lucas and his heirs against the aforesaid Robert and Kathar i .e, and their heirs, and the heirs of either of them, for ever by the presents.
And this final agreement was recorded in the Hall of Dover in a book called V., on page 64.