CXXVII. 26 May 1564

26 May 1564. 

Know all men by the presents that we, Thomas Gooreley, and John Spritwell, of the Town and Port of Dover, in the County of Kent, yeomen, are held and firmly bound to John Warde, of the same town, for ^^lo of good and lawful money of England, to be paid to the said John Warde or to his certain attorney, his heirs, executors, or assigns, for he good and faithful payment whereof we firmly bind our selves, or one of us by himself, for the whole, and in cash, our heirs, executors, and assigns, by the presents, our seals having been sealed. 

Given on the twenty-sixth day of May in the sixth year of the reign, etc. 

In dorso. 

The condicon of this obligacon is such that whereas the within bound Thomas Gooreley, and John Spritwell, dyd lately arest xxix. sheepe of the goods of Thomas Colley, and being now praised at the some of ^5 lawful mony of Ingland, and delivered by the within named John Warde to the said Thomas Gooreley, and John Spryttwell. If the said Thomas Gooreley, and John Spritwell, do save and kepe harme less the said John Warde, his executors and assignes, against all manner of persons, of and for the deliverance of the said xxix. sheepe, so that the said John Warde, his executors and assignes, do not thereby incurre or ronne in any losse, hindrance, or damage. 
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