15 June 1566.
This indenture witnesseth that Thomas Pepper, Maio' of the towne and port of Dovor, Thomas Goorley, Thomas Robins, William Lovel, and Henry Russell, Chamberlaines of the said towne, w'*" the assent and consent, and for and in the name of y' hole Comynaltie of y' same towne, have demised, graunted, and to ferme letten to Thomas Challice, of the same towne and port, blacksmith, one parcell of a lane next adjoyning to the house of the said Thomas Challice, scituat, lying, and being w^^in the Libertie of the towne and port of Dovor, in Bygen Warde, y' is to saie, to the messu age of the said Thomas Challice to y^ north-west, y' wall of the same towne next begin gate to ye south-east, ye other parte of ye same lane to the south-weste, the highe strete cauled Began Strete to the north-easte, w'^'' said parcell of lane conteyneth in bredth twelve fote, and in lenghe forty- eight fote ; so as that it shalbe lawfull for the said Thomas Challice, his heires, executors, and assigns, at all tymes to bild on the same parcell of lane, from the messuage of the said Thomas Challice to and upon the comon wall of the same towne, provide allwaie that the same Thomas Challice do leave a sufficient carte waie throughe the same lane all waies open, and not to bild w'^'in seven fote over the same lane : To have and to hold ye said parcell of lane in manner and forme aforesaid to the said Thomas Challice, his heires, executors, and assigns, for the terme of twenty-one yeres, and further from twenty-one years to twenty-one yeres the next following untill the end and terme of ninety-nine yeres next after the date hereof be fully ended, yelding and pay ing therefore yereley to the Mayor and Chamberlaines of the same towne for the tyme being in the Feast of ye Assump cion of o' Lady eight pence lawfull mony of England due : if it shall happen the said yerely rent of eight pence to be behind and unpaid after ye terme aforesaid by ye space of fourteen daies in part or in all, being lawfully asked, y' then it shalbe lawfull for ye Mayor and Chamberlaines for the ti me being in ye said parcell of lane as before letten to re enter and peaceably to possess as in the former estate.
In witness whereof as well the comon sealc, as the seale of the said Thomas Challice, to these indentures enter changeably are sett.
Dated at Dover aforesaid the fifteenth daieofjunein the eighth yere of the raigne of o' Soveraigne Lady Eliza beth, by the grace of God of England, Fraunce, and Ireland (^ueene. Defender of the Faith, etc. Ao 1566.
This indenture is in duplicate — a part of the Common Seal in red remains on one, the well-preserved red seal of Thomas Challice on the other.