6 March 1406.
Know all, present and future, that I, Thomas at Crouche of Dover, have given, granted, and by this my present indented charter, have confirmed to fee farm to Michael Cul of Dover and Gisyna, his wife, a tenement with appurtenances situated within the Liberty of Dover in . . . Ward, between the King's highway to the north-west, and the tenement of John Andrew, shipwright, and the land of Thomas Cocchere, junior, to the north-east, and a certain *Vernplace to the south-east, and the tenement of John Fish to the south-west ; to have and to hold the said tenement, with buildings, walls, and all other its appurtenances, to the aforesaid Michael and Gisyna, his wife, their heirs and assigns for ever ; they not to make waste or estrepement ; and doing the service of the Lord King when it shall befall, according to the custom of the port aforesaid, the said Michael and Gisyna, his wife, their heirs and assigns, paying therefor annually to me, the said Thomas at Crouche and Johanna, my wife, the heirs and assigns of me, the said Thomas, three shillings of free and annual rent, to be paid at the four principal terms of the year in equal parts ; and if it shall happen that the aforesaid annual rent of the said three shillings be in arrear, in part or in whole, in any year after any of the terms for payment aforesaid, then be it fully lawful for us, the said Thomas at Crouche and Johanna, my wife, the heirs and assigns of me, the aforesaid Thomas, to distrain on the aforesaid tenement with all its appurtenances, and to carry off and retain distresses until satisfaction be made for the arrear of the aforesaid rent ; and if it happen that the aforesaid rent be in arrear, in whole or in part, for one year and forty days, or if waste or estrepement be made in said tenement, or if the said tenement be not properly maintained, then be it fully lawful for us, the said I'homas at Crouche and Johanna, my wife, the heirs and assigns of me, the said Thomas, to re-enter into the aforesaid tenement with all its appurtenances, and re-seize it, and to possess it for myself and Johanna, my wife, the heirs and assigns of me, the said Thomas, peacefully and for ever without contradiction of any one : and I, Thomas at Crouche, and my heirs, will warrant the said tenement, with buildings, walls, and all other its appurtenances to the aforenamed Michael and Gisyna, his wife, their heirs and assigns, for the annual rent and in the form above said, against ail men for ever.
* Cf. Fernigo — a heath or waste place where ferns grow.
In witness whereof the seals of the parties aforesaid are alternately affixed to these indented charters.
Given at Dover on the sixth day of March in the seventh year of the reign of King Henry, the fourth of England after the conquest.
Witnesses : John Strete, then Mayor of Dover ; John Alkham, attorney of the Bailiff; Thomas Giles ; John Robert ; John Steleman ; Thomas Cocchere, junior ; Robert Voche ; Richard Sedenor ; and others.