31 May 1412.
Know all men that I, Cecilia, relict of Alexander Polton, of Dover, in my widowhood have remitted, released, and altogether quit-claimed for ever for me and my executors, to Agnes Polton, my daughter, the whole of my right and claim of right which I had, shall have, or in any way shall in future be able to have, in a tenement or stable situated within the Liberty of the Port of Dover in Mankyn Ward, between the King's highway to the south-east, and the land of Robert Boydin to the south-west, and the land of Thomas Crouche to the north-west, and between the tenement of John Petham to the north-east : so that neither I, the afore named Cecilia, nor anyone else in my name, shall in future be able to claim or challenge henceforward in the aforesaid tenement or stable with its appurtenances, or in any part of it, any right of property or claim, but that by these presents we are shut out for ever from every action of right.
In witness whereof I have affixed my seal to this present.
Given at Dover on the last day of May in the thirteenth year of the reign of King Henry, the fourth of England after the conquest.