25 November 1442.
Know all present and future that we, John Flempton, clerk, and William Bixspeech, and Richard Hunt, junior, of the Parish of l^ngle, in the County of Kent, have given, granted, and, by this our present charter, have confirmed to John Ford, junior, of the Parish of Leeds, in the County aforesaid, and Thomas Hunt, of the Parish of Langley aforesaid, one piece of land lying in the Parish of Sutton Valence between the land formerly belonging to Richard the Rector to the east, and the King's highway, leading from Langlegheres Cross to Woodgate, to the south, and the land formerly John Lake's to the north : to have and to hold the aforesaid piece of land with its appurtenances to the aforesaid John Ford, junior, and Thomas Hunt, their heirs and assigns, from the capital lords of that fee for the services thence due and by right accustomed, for ever.
In witness whereof we, the aforesaid John Flempton, clerk, William Bixspeech, and Richard Hunt, have set our seals to this our present charter.
Witnesses : Robert Wodegate, of Leeds aforesaid ; Richard Browning, senior ; Richard Browning, junior ; John Leen, of Sutton Valence ; John Hunt ; Robert Frik, junior, of Langley ; and many others.
Given at Langley aforesaid the twenty-fifth day of the month of November in the twenty-first year of the reign of King Henry, the sixth of England after the conquest.