10 December 1451.
To all Christ's faithful servants, to whom the present deed shall come to be seen or heard, I, Dionisia Ive, of Buckland, near Dover, eternal greeting in the Lord. Know that I, the aforesaid Dionisia, have remitted, released, and for ever altogether quit-claimed for myself and my heirs, to Sir Thomas Moys, Master of the House of God, Dover, the Brethren of the same place, and their successors, all my right and claim that I had, have, or in future shall be able to have, in one acre and three roods of land with their appurtenances, all lying in Buckland aforesaid, at the Mill Land, which acre and three roods of land with their appurtenances, together with other lands and tenements, I, the aforesaid Dionisia, lately had by the gift and feoffment, for the term of my life, from John Gibbes and John Coke : in such a way that, to wit, neither I, the aforesaid Dionisia, nor my heirs, nor any one else in our name, shall henceforth be able to demand, challenge, or claim any right [claim or] title of right in the aforesaid acre and three roods of land with their appur tenances, or in any parcel of them, but that we are shut out for ever from all action of right on that behalf by the presents.
In witness whereof I have set my seal to the present.
Given at Buckland aforesaid on the tenth day of December in the thirtieth year of the reign of King [Henry the sixth] of England after the conquest.
Witnesses : John Gibbes ; John Coke ; Bartholomew Goier ; William Ketinton ; Peter Ketinton ; and others.