18 January 1493.
Know all present and future that I, Thomas Petit, of Faversham, in the County of Kent, gentleman, have given, granted, and by this my present charter have confirmed to Thomas Bouchier, knight, William Scott, knight, Vincent Finch, gentleman, Edmund V^alton, gentleman, and Thomas Benet, gentleman, all those lands, tenements, rents, ferms, and my services, with their appurtenances, lying and being in the Parishes of Faversham and Preston, in the County of Kent : to have and to hold all the aforesaid lands and tenements, rents, ferms, and services, with all their appurtenances, to the aforesaid Thomas Bouchier, William, Vincent, and Thomas Benet, their heirs and assigns, for the use of Benedicta Brokhill, who, God willing, is to be the future wife of Thomas Petit aforesaid, for the whole term of the life of the said Benedicta, and after her decease to the use of the said Thomas Petit, and the heirs lawfully begotten of the bodies of the said Thomas Petit and Benedicta : and if it happen that the said Thomas Petit and Benedicta die without heirs of this sort, then the aforesaid Thomas Bouchier, William, Vincent, Edmund, aud Thomas Benet, are feoffed for ever for the use of the right heirs of the aforesaid Thomas Petit.
In witness whereof I have set my seal to this present indented charter.
Given on the eighteenth day of the month of January in the eighth year of the reign of King Henry, the seventh after the conquest.
Witnesses : Richard Bedell, then Mayor of Faversham aforesaid ; Thomas Rede ; Richard Littile ; John Bour- stone, Jurator ; John Jakis ; Thomas Malpas ; and many others.