25 May 1495.
This indenture made the xxv day of May the tenth yerc of the reigne of our Sovefaigne Lorde Kynge Henry the vij'*', betwene the Maier, Barons, and Commonalte of the Town of Dovorr, oon of the v"= hed poortes, on y' oon party, and William ffantyng, depute ate Margate, John Petyt, gentil man, William Lyncolle, Martyn Davy, Richard Tonklyn, Simon Norwode, Symon Graunt, Simon Corles, Robert Lucas, Thomas a Chirch, Thomas Gurney, and Thomas Lyncolle, fremen inhabitoris at Margate, on y'^ othir partie, witnessith thate y*^ saide William, John, Martyn, Richard, Symon, Symon, Symon, Robert, Thomas, Thomas, and Thomas, for theym and the Commonalte of Margate, have concauntid, promisid, and graunted unto y*" Maier, Barons, and Commonalte of Dovorr forsaide, that the Depute of Margate for y*" tyme beynge, bi thadvise of the Common- alte of the same, in the presence of the Custumers, Comp trollers, and Serchours of the Kynges there, or theire deputees in theire absence, if thei will be present y"to after thei be warned, shalle take sufficient suerte of or for the owner, maister, or purcer of every shippe Englissh in Margate aforsaid, to the double valu of the said shippe takylle and vitaille of y* same, that y'= mariners of the saide shippe shall in the See and in y^ stremys of the same kepe the peax ayenst all the Kynges subgettes, and alle othir of his amytie or allie, and ayenst alle othir havynge y^ Kynges saiffcon duct, and welle and lawfully shall behave theym ayenst theym and alle othir, accordyng to the ordinaunce of y*" Soveraign Lorde y'= Kynge and his lawis, and elles thei shalle not suffre y' said shippe to departe out of y' said Towne of Margate and Crike of y'^ same, onlesse then ye said owner, maister, or purcer of y^ said shyppe whiche wold so departe shew licence of v" Kynges highenesse under his privie sealle that he may departe without fyndyng of suche suerte, or ells y' y' said owner, maister, or purcer shew under auctentik, sufficient, or evident testimonialle y' y"is founde sufficient and like suerte in othir places for y' saide shyppe and y'^ mariners of y' same : Also it is concauntid, grauntid, and agreede bi the saide William, John, William, Martyn, Richard, Symon, Symon, Symon, Robert, Thomas, Thomas, and Thomas, y' if any robberes or spoyleres in the see, or in y"" stremys of y' same, come in to Margate for saide, or havyn or crike of the same, in alle possible haste after the saide depute have very knowlege y' thei have made such robbery or spoile thei shalle put theym in devour to arreste the same robbers or spoilers, and y* shippe or shippis so takyn to kepe unto tyme y' the saide Depute yeve know lege y"of to o' Soveraigne Lord the Kynge, or his counsaille, and y"upon understande y'^ pleasere of his heighnesse, ffor the whiche arreste so made o' Soveraigne Lorde y' Kynge shall recompense suche coste as y' saide depute and Com minalte of Margate or any of theym shalle bere for y' doynge y"of, and also the said depute and Comminalte of Margate shalle yeve no consorte, aide, nor assistence to any suche robber or spoilere, nor purvey, or suffre to be purveid to theyme, vitaille, takylle, or barneys, knowynge them robbers or spoylers asmoche as in theym shalbe, and if it fortune any owner, maister, or purcer, or any othir bounde for theym, to forfaite any bonde wherin as is aforsaide any of theym be bounde, then ye saide depute and Comminalte of Margate shalle satisfie and contente to the Kynge o' Soveraigne Lordc within xl. daie nexte after the said forfaiture be sufficiently proved, and notise thereof yeven to the saide depute and Comminalte as moche as the saide bonde so forfaitcd amountethe unto : also it is agreede, grauntide, and pro miside bi the saide depute and Comminalte ot Margate thate whene thei take any suerte of or for the owner, maister, or purcere of any shippe, as is aforesaide, that thei so takyngc suerte shalle delyvere writynge under theyre comcn seelle to the saide owner, maister, or purcere testefying y' thei have takynge suerte of theym, accordynge to suche indentures as ben made betwene the said Maiere, Barons, and Commin alte of Dovorre and the said depute and Comminalte of Margate to shewe for theyre dely veraunce oute of every other havyn where after it shalle happyn theym to com withoute fyndynge of any othir suerte, and if it happyne any any [!] of the saide suerties so takyn for the owner, maister, or purcere to consume or lassen bi dethe, povertis, or othir wise, see y' thoos y' remayne be not sufficient to answere for the double valu of the said shippe takylle and vitaille, as is aforsaide, as ofte as it shalle so fortune the saide depute and Comminalte of Margate, if thei wolle, shalle take better suerte of the saide owner, maister, or purcere as is foresaide, or elles the saide depute and Comminalte of Margate shalle not suffre the said shippe to departe, Provided alwey that ye saide depute and Comminalte of Margate be not be fors of this indenture constraynede to take suertie of the owner, maister, or purcere of any shippe merchaunt which shalle happyn to com to any havyn othir than to his propre havyn betwixte this and the Nativite of o' Lorde God nexte com ynge for thate y' in the meane tyme thei may fynde othir suerte in theyre propre havyn accordynge as is aforsaide, Provided also y' the saide depute and Comminalte nor othir officere of Margate aforsaide take for the wrytinge, mak ynge, or seellyng of any of the premisses above y*" summe of y'md. : alle the which concauntes, grauntes, and promises aforesaide the saide depute and Comminalte of Margate and theire successores shalle kepe holde and perform from hens forth sub pena forisfaciure [under penalty of forfeiture].
In witnesse whereoff" to the oon party of this indenture, remaynyng towarde the Maiere, Barons, and Comminalte of Dovorre forsaide, we, the saide William, John, William, Martyne, Richard, Symon, Symon, Symon, Robert, Thomas, Thomas, and Thomas, have sete our sealles the day and yere abovesaide.
Eleven dark green seals remain in good order.