7 June 1513.
Henry, by the grace of (»oci, King of England and France, Eord of Ireland, to his Constable of Dover and Warden of his Cinque I^orts, or his Lieutenant — CJreeting.
Wc, firmly enjoining you, command that you cause public proclamations to be made in every port of the ports aforesaid, immediately you have seen the presents, in these words, —
fforasmoche as the Kynge our Soveraigne Lord Henry, by the grace of God, Kynge of England and of ffraunce, and Lord of Ireland, entendith by Goddis suffraunce in his owne person to passe over the sees into the Realm of ffraunce, and ther to make warre ayenst Lewes, the ffrenche Kynge, and his adherentis, not only enemyes of Christis Churche, but also usurpers and unjuste reteyners of the Kyngis pos sessions, rightis, and enheritauncis unto his Crowne of England rightwisly apperteynyng ; for the recovere and opteynyng of his seid right and iuheritaunce, and willyng in his absence specially to provyde for the wellthe, suertie, and defence of this his seid Realme and his subjectis of the same. Consideryng also that after the lawes and lawdable custumes of this his realme his seid subjectis ben bounden to always purveyde of sufficient and convenient harnesse for the warre for defense of his most noble person, his realme, and them selfe, when the case shall so require, and also for aeync greate and urgent causes movyng him and his counseill, hath, by thadvyse of the same, ordeyned, decreed, and determined that every man, beyng of habilite and power, shall provyde and have within his dwellyng hous for hyni selfe and his housold servauntis sufficient and convenient harnesse for the warre, every man after his degree to then tent as is before expressed. Wherfore his highnesse straitly chargeth and commandeth every man, beyng of habilite and power as is aforeseid, to provyde forthwith, and with all diligence possible to have within his seid house, tor hym and his seid housold servauntis, sufficient and convenient harnesse accordyng to their degrees, as apperteignech to be don by the seid lawes and auncient custumes, and by this the Kyngis high commaundement, for the suertie of the same realme and themselfe, and that they faile not thus to doc upon the perell that may thereof ensue. And on that his hignes straitly chargeth and commandeth all Mares, Baihffis, and Constables that every of them make serche from tyme to tyme, as they shall thynk convenient, within every place where as they bene officers assigned, as well within liberties as without of seid, for suche sufficient and convenient harnesse to be provyded and had, in maner and fourme as is before expressed. So that his highnesse and his faithfull subjectis be in no maner of wise defrauded ne endaungered for lak of men and harnesse as is aforesaid — and God Save the Kynge.
And that ye in no way omit doing this at your imminent peril.
Witness myself at Westminster the seventh day of June in the fifth year of our reign.
A portion of the Great Seal remains.