XCVI. 21 November 1516

21 November 1516. 

In the Roll of the Accounts for the Subsidy. 

John Petit, of Birchington, in the County of Kent, and William Haneyoye, collectors of a certain subsidy of 6d. in the pound granted by the laity to the present Lord King Henry VlII. in the seventh year of his reign, to be levied and collected in the mode and form specified in a certain Act of Parlia ment published on that behalf, from the lands, tenements, goods, and chattels of the lords, magnates, and commonalties with the parishes of S. John, S. Peter, and Birching ton, within the hundred of Ringeslowe, and the parishes of Walmer, Deal, and Kings down, within the hundred of Cormilo in the county of Kent, and for its pay ment to the Receipt of this exchequer on the twenty-first day of November in the eighth year of the aforesaid present King, as is contained as well in one part of certain indentures directed by John Fennex, knight, and other commissioners of the Lord King on this behalf in the county aforesaid to the aforesaid collectors, as by another part of the same indentures wit nessed and delivered by the aforesaid commissioners to the treasurer and barons of this exchequer. They return an account of ;^70, i6s., to wit, for the said subsidy in the parishes and hundreds aforesaid into the treasury /"69, \s. Sd. in two tallies, and also paid to the said collectors, as well for their fee as for the fee of the commissioners and sub cofferers, at the rate of 6^. in the pound, 34J//. 4^., accord ing to the form and effect of the Act granting the subsidy aforesaid. 

And they are discharged 

The Parishes of S. John, S. Peter, and Birchington, in the Hundred of Ringeslowe; and the Parishes of Walmer, Deal, and Kingsdown, in the Hundred of Cormilo, in the County of Kent.
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