From the Widening of Biggin Street to the Pier Viaduct


1894 TO 1914. 

This last stage is so well within living memory that it can hardly be treated as history. The retrospect is so short that any judgment formed upon it might be crude. Abandoning criticism, it may be remarked that this stage brings us (tor the present) to the end of a Roll of Mayors which, probably, no Municipality in the Kingdom could surpass. The individual Mayors make a total of 281, the period which the Roll covers from Domesday being 828 years. 

1895 Matthew Pepper (271)
1896 Henry M. Baker (272) 

(271) Matthew iPepper was elected Mayor in the year 1895, and he was at the sama time Chairman of the Dover Board of Guardians. This Mayor's ancctors had filled the offices of Mayor, Town Clerk, and Clerk to the Court of Brotherhood and Ghiestling. 

(272) Henry Minter Baker, a Man of Kent, a wholesale grocer, farmer, hop-grower, and horse breeder, was in the Civic chair when the system of electric trams was inaugurated in Dover, he driving the first car on the opening day from Buckland to the Pier. Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee was celebrated with great spirit during his Mayoralty. 

1897 W. H. Crundall
1898 W. H. Crundall 
1899 W. H. Crundall
1900 W. J. Barnes (273) 

(273) William James Barnes was a chemist. He was Mayor on the occasion of the death of Queen Victoria and the Proclamation of Edward VII. 

1901 H. Martyn Mowll (274)
1903 Fredk. G. Wright (275) 

(274) Henry Martyn Mowll, a solicitor and Register of Dover Harbour, was one of the Barrens of tlic Cinque Ports who attended the Coronation of Edward VI 1 . He is one of the leading antiquarians of Dover, and his library probably contains an unsurpassed collection of books, prints, and manuscripts relating to Dover and the district. 

(275) Frederick George Wright was an ironmonger, of the firm of Messrs. Wright Brothers. The principle public event of his Mayoralty, which commenced November, 1902, was the landing at Dover of M. Loubet, the President of the French Republic; and the principle Municipal event was the tran -^er of the Electricity Under taking from the Electric Light Company to the Corporation. 

1903 A. T. Walmisley (276) 
W. H. Crundall 

(276) Arthur Thomas Walmisley, c!;osen Mayor in November, 1903, was Engineer of Dover Harbour. He, for many years, was President of the Dover Institute, and for several years the lecturer of Gi-esham Ck)ll€ge. 

1904 W. H. Crundall
1905 W. W. Burkett (277) 

(277) William Wood Burkett, a baker and confectioner, euo ceeded during his Mayoralty in raising a thousand pounds for the benefit of Dover Hospital. 

1906 George F. Raggett (278)
1907 Walter Emden (279) 

(278) George Francis Raggett, a retired Naval ofiQoer, made his Mayoralty memorable by undertaking arrangements for commencing a County Cricket Week in Dover on a permanent basis. 

(279) Walter Emden, who was Mayor from November, 1907, to November, igio, differed from all other Mayors of Dover in that he was not a member of the Town Council, having been chosen under the special provision contained in the 15th Section of the Municipal Corporations Act of 1882, which allows a burgess not a member of the Town Council to be chosen Mayor when duly qualified. He had previously been Mayor of Westminster, and) as Mayor of Dover he was very energetic in many ways, more especially in promoting the Dover Pageant, held during his first Mayoralty. 

1908 Walter Emden
1909 Walter Emden 
1910 W. H. Crundall
1911 William Bromley (280) 

(280) William Bromley, builder, was Mayor two years, from November, 191 1, to November, 1913. In his first Mayoralty additional Parliamentary powers were obtained for carrying out a new streete' scheme, known as "The Pier Viaduct," together with a Pier Housing Scheme, which had stood over since 1895, when the Corporation purchased from the Harbour Board, with the intention of improve ment,a large insanitary area in the Pier District. In his second Mayoralty a little of the work was done, but, owing to the War breaking out in the following year, this, like many other public worka, was much delayed. 

1912 William Bromley
1913 Edwin W. T. Farley (281) 

(281) Edwin Wood Thorp Farley, on commencing his Mayoralty in November, 1913, found the Town Council committed to the Pier Viaduct Undertaking, which was not at all popular. Mr. Farley was the first Mayor of Dover of recent years elected independent of "Party" politics, the elections of 1913 having returned a majority of those pledged to independence of " Party " politics in Municipal affairs. Afterwards Mr. Farley was re-elected on November 9th, 1914, and again in 1915. 

1914 Edwin W. T. Farley
1915 Edwin W. T. Farley 
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