A long road...

13 December 2012 recovery, says Spencer Dale the Chief Economist at the Bank of England.

We had Spencer along to a Dover Chamber of Commerce breakfast at Bluebirds some years ago as part of a regular round of consultation.  All the forecasts he made then have turned to dust.  Not a surprise because the Bank of England has the worse economic forecasting record of any European central bank.

A 'long road to recovery' need not be so long.

Bold action would speed up recovery.  But being bold is not what a coalition government is all about.

If they were bold in 2010 and had placed economic consideration first we would now be in a far better position than we are in now.  Yes tough decisions would have had to be made.  They would have had to cut public spending much faster and further.  They would have had to cut taxes, specially the economically damaging top rates.  Bold supply side reforms would have been needed.  Benefits cut.  

Yes there would have been pain - but it would have been pain for a much shorter period.  Far better than a long drawn out agony.  With the right action we would now be much further down the road to recovery regardless of the international aspects.

OK - I do not know if, left to his own devices, Osborne would have been bold enough.  But, the whispers of what has been happening behind the scenes certainly indicate that more would have been done and essential tax, spending and regulatory reforms have been blocked by Cable/Clegg and crew.

We are now paying for the electoral compromises required by coalition government.  It is the price for indecision at the ballot box supporting minor parties at the expense of strong government when it has most been needed.
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