The EU - In, Out or Part In?

15 December 2012

I personally want us completely out of the EU but with an arrangement such as the Swiss have, enabling free trade.  This will take a renegotiation of our relationship with the EU.   I have said consistently simple In/Out referendum will not achieve any purpose other than lock us in the grip of the EU forever.  It would spark a massive scare campaign that will backfire on those of us who want out.

Some people though claim that the rise in the UKIP vote indicates the the British want out.  This is a naive and foolish assumption.   What happens mid-term in polls bears little reflection on general elections.  With the traditional protest party part of the government UKIP has benefited instead of them.  Protest votes do not win an election and it is even wrong to assume such protest votes are anything to do with Europe.

So what exactly do the British people think?  The only tool we have for this are polls that target specifically the question of Europe.  Even then we need to be careful as such polls can just reflect current news headlines.  Even then an actual poll can turn very quickly the other way, specially if you have a hostage to fortune that enables a scare campaign against you.

YouGov have produced an analysis of a series of polls over a period of time and this gives a far better picture of what people think and is, perhaps, the reason for Cameron's public statements.

As you can see to get a majority you have to have a 'deal' negotiated, as I say, that can be sold to both those like me who want out and those who want a looser free trade arrangement.  This way we can avoid any hostage to fortune that a simple Yes/No would offer and at the same time satisfy the aspirations of the majority of us. The Swiss style arrangement would fit perfectly.
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