21 January 2013Far from Mediterranean weather Boris Johnson has postulated that we are in for a mini ice age such as Britain suffered in the late 17th to early 18th centuries.
See his article here http://www.telegraph.co.uk/comment/columnists/borisjohnson/9814618/Its-snowing-and-it-really-feels-like-the-start-of-a-mini-ice-age.html
Some may dismiss the article out of hand, after all what does Boris know about the weather?
But it is not just Boris saying this there are serious scientists saying it. These are people who watch the sun's activity and relate it to earth temperatures and climate.
Now I am not suggesting that we should drop all energy conservation and 'green' policies but perhaps we should apply a little more caution to them and just a little common sense. Earth's resources are indeed finite and we do need to be careful about damaging the environment, but we should not go too far and load excessive energy costs on us just when the winters are getting colder. It will also make us less economically competitive damaging our capacity to pay for these measures. The government should not allow itself to be held to ransom by scientists keen to get research grants.