Another nail in the EU coffin...

20 October 2012 the EURES scheme that is currently being piloted in Spain.   The EU is paying £250 toward the costs of young Spaniards to come for a job interview in the UK and a further £830 if they get the job.

The intention is to roll out this scheme across the EU.  OK, to be fair, it is not only limited to jobs in the UK but given the dreadful state the Eurozone has got itself in and the widespread teaching of English as a second language it is easy to see where most of these young Spanish, Italian, Greek jobless will go.

The scheme is open to anyone aged 18 to 30 regardless of their qualifications.

These countries need to get their own houses in order and not try to shuffle off their unemployed to other countries.

The sooner we quit the EU the better. 
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