13 April 2013...the headlines in the run up to her funeral.
Thoughts are turning to how she should be honoured.
Two ideas are particularly appropriate:
Firstly to rename Heathrow Airport - Margaret Thatcher Airport (better than calling Boris Island airport by that name). There is a precedent in the USA with JFK Airport among others and for our most internationally renown and admired Prime Minister there is nothing more appropriate. There is also a nice bit of poetic justice in having her feeble minded detractors pay homage to Mrs T when going off on holiday.
Secondly to rename Port Stanley in The Falklands, Port Margaret. It would infuriate the Argentinians (and therefore the Foreign Office won't approve...) but stuff them, this is a matter for the Falkland Islanders.
I am not so sure about statues in public places, that is just not significant enough in this day and age. Fine for the days before cameras and when few could see paintings of great figures but today it is a bit passe'.
A sudden thought.....
Perhaps Dover could be renamed 'Port Thatcher' in her honour - now that would really be a good modern idea, the White Cliffs of Thatcher has a real ring about it.....