16 April 2013... get on with wresting control of this country from the left, there is a major difference between being in government and being in power.
Massive power has been placed in the hands of unelected QUANGOs by government, something that has been done over decades. The problem is that the situation has got worse under Cameron with his appointments to lead public bodies. Of appointees who declare their political affiliations Labour supporters have been getting 77% of the appointments since Cameron became PM. That is even worse than under Blair and Brown when it was 75%. Under Major it was 32% going to Labour aligned individuals.
(Graph from ConHome)
Even some of those nominally Tory appointments, such as Patten as Chairman of the BBC, are a bit dubious in their 'Toryism'.
With so much power and influence being placed in the hands of these bodies, activist judges and with the EU responsible for over 60% of our law making, that does not leave much power for a Conservative (or coalition) government to exercise.
The solution is simple.
First of all abolish a lot of these QUANGOs, do not replace them and do not pass their powers and responsibilities to other bodies. In other words reduce the amount of government in a very real sense. As I said in a previous post they can start with the useless Equalities Commission.
Next up we need to get out of the EU, or at the very minimum get a massive repatriation of powers and reduce the influence of this organisation over the UK to a mere trading block.. Something discussed on here many times.
Thirdly make sure that, by law, all appointments by government to lead the remaining few public bodies are done on a strict formula relative to the votes cast in the preceding general election. In other words if the government party gets 40% of the vote then 40% of the appointments go to people aligned to that party.
Without this action Cameron may be in government but he is not in power.