25 September 2013Milliminor and the Labour Party that is, Back to the Past, a 'lurch to the left - whatever you want to call it.
Back to tried and failed mechanisms that guarantee only to push us deeper and faster into an economic crisis worse even than the slow motion disaster of the now defunct so-called New Labour government.
Lets see.....
A prices policy on utilities that will discourage essential new investment and will result in 'power rationing' - blackouts in other words.
A land-theft policy transferring the ownership of undeveloped land into government hands perhaps resulting in expensive unsold houses where people do not want to live or, more likely a wasteland.
Fiddling around with an already too complex tax system to make it even more complex - lots more room for evasion there then.
Nationalisation - a way to create inefficient, loss making and expensive monopolies.
Government by diktat - private business being forced to serve the needs of government to a degree not seen outside war-time in this country.
This lot will damage economic growth, wipe out investment, increase the deficit, drive up interest rates and push unemployment to levels as yet unseen in this country.
Milliminor's Great Britain would make the current Greek economy look like a beacon of prosperity.
Mad totally mad. A speech and a set of policies designed to appeal to the lowest common denominator of ignorance and stupidity.
Once again Labour is setting about making itself unfit to govern to a degree not seen since Michael Foot's day.
This is simply power - more power to the centre, more power for government to control our lives. Politicians who think that they and their civil servants know better than all of us and somehow imagine they can buck the markets without consequences. This is also about distrust - Labour do not trust the people and think they must take control. On the contrary, those who are least to be trusted are those politicians, such as Milliminor, who think they are the fount of all good and wisdom and want to gather more and more power to themselves.
There is simply nothing here that we do not get the opportunity to peruse on an all to regular basis, nay, incessant basis.
I am reminded of the animation, "Rex the Runt". For one of its characters does no more than interject the terms:'Trousers!' or 'Spaghetti!' into every conversation.
But, hey-ho. It is The Conference Season. The three or four early auditions for a virtually unheard of 'X' factor. Each of which takes place in some establishment which, to all intents and purposes, appears to be a satellite of the Broadmoor franchise.
Still...much more fun to come.