While I was away....

23 September 2013

... I had poor internet access and did not follow events as closely as normal....   too busy climbing a mountain, but mostly eating good food and drinking real ales.....

So I have not seen too much of the conference season so far but from what I have seen....

The Limpdems had nothing really to say for themselves, except of course what Cleggy boasted they had said no to.....  such as boosting economic recovery through reforming and reducing taxes, getting rid of the Human Rights Act and so on - a truly shameful boast and a truly empty conference.

Then we have Labour - OK they have only just started their conference but, even so, virtually all of their job and growth destroying announcements so far have fallen apart already......   RedEd, aka Milliminor now tells us that he will bring back socialism.  Well that economy wrecking political philosophy much loved by the inadequate, the wooly minded and the foolish never went away, the depth of the 'great recession' shows that,.

 Then we have McBride, nothing new about many of his revelations of course.  The sheer poison and hatred at the heart of the Blair/Brown regime is no secret, as was the total incompetence of that madman Brown.   The big question though is just who was the 'one night stand' woman Minister?   My betting is on Caroline Flint, the only one that was worth even thinking about........  Shallow - yup, shallow sums up the Labour Party.  
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