Will Lynton save the day?

19 November 2012

Lynton Crosby, that is - the Australian election guru who has been brought in to run the Conservative election campaign in 2015.

Something has been missing from the no10 operation for more than a year now.  There has been no real grip over events and it seems as if they are drifting from one presentational problem to another.

The problem of coalition politics is partly to blame, but only partly.  Cameron is just not good at Party management and is failing to balance the needs of coalition and those of the Party he leads.  He seems to default too often to keeping the LibDems happy and angering his own Party.  That would not be so bad in itself but for the fact that the instincts of the country as a whole are more with the Conservative backbenchers than the LibDems on issues such as the EU, the environment and the Human Rights Act.

Only if Lynton Crosby is given sufficient authority can he make a real difference.  That will mean Cameron paying more attention to the country and his backbenchers and standing up to the LibDems.  The coalition is only likely to last another year to 18 months anyway until we have a period of minority Conservative government in the run up to an election.   

There is everything to gain and nothing to lose from Cameron being and being seen to be a true Conservative in the coming two years.
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