EXtra - Page No 8. Trafalgar Day Charity Dinner, Deal /Mayor's Goodwill Fund Quiz.

21 October 2007

It's sunday night at 7pm and Im whisked off to Deal by ex Mayor Jan Tranter in her sportscar. Always wanted to be whisked off by a glamourous blonde in a sportscar and it finally came to pass on sunday night. Away we went towards Deal along that infamous road in pitch darkness, but despite all the odds we made it in one peice and ready for the night ahead. Our destination was the widely renowned Dunkerley's for Deal Mayor Jim Cronk's Trafalgar Dinner Fundraiser. I had never experienced the much talked about Dunkerleys so I knew it was going to be an interesting evening.

Parking was easy enough and we could see as we approached that the establishment was packed out for the Dinner. Upon entering, it was immediately clear that I had personally never ever seen so many mayoral chains gathered in any one place at any one time before. It was heaving with gold paraphernalia and dark suits. Jim Cronk shoved a very welcome glass of wine into our hands and we were ready for the night ahead. Jan did her chatty thing to one and all and I backed her up when the occasion called for it, which wasn't too often.

The dinner gong goes and in we shuffle to enjoy the fabulous cuisine. The decor is very splendid so one gets comfortable more or less right away. It was not a traditional set dinner but more a series of top quality courses covering everything from Lugger Hauled Fillet of Deal Herring to Horatio's Slow Roasted Shoulder of Lamb. Amazing quality and I doubt if there is anything in Dover to match Deal's finest. Some nice Pinot Grigio and all went down rather well.

The picture above shows former Dover Mayor Cllr Jan Tranter enjoying the terrific occasion with yours truly.
The picture on the left shows excellent fellow table guests Nat Hall on the left and George Winder on the right. Clearly having a good time.These guys were very entertaining. On the right we have Pat Winder, George's engaging wife, then of course Jan in the centre and then the very amiable Joseph Tanti.

Quite a turnout at Dunkerley's and this picture just shows a fairly smallish section of the guests as a good time was had by all.One or two familiar faces there...

Deal Mayor Jim Cronk rallies guests to part with just a little more cash to enter the raffle for the exciting hamper. An envelope was provided and enter we all did. Of course yours truly carries on his tradition, as ever, and fails everytime to win anything - so the prize went elsewhere. Still, one of these days!

Jim shortly afterwards announced that the evening had raised £500 for charity which is the real name of the game. So a very successful evening all round. How the chefs at Dunkerley's coped with so many orders all at once and still kept the quality so high was truly amazing.

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Mayor Bob Markham's Quiz Night: We ambled, Jan Tranter, Colette Boland and yours truly, over to St Mary's Church Hall on Saturday Night to enjoy Bob Markham's Fund Raiser Quiz and it was great fun. The hall was completely full and after a glass of wine to whet the mental whistle, the whole congregation got right into answering the questions as put to one and all by Brian the Town Sergeant. We being disorganised from the very beginning did not have a full team, so we were put alongside new Dovorians Sheila and Jim and it was just as well, as without said Sheila and Jim, keen croquet players, we were in mortal danger of propping up the field from the bottom, which would have been most embarassing. Clearly we didnt read the appropriate newspapers or watch the right TV in preparation.

Across the hall were old Forumite friends Ian Lillford and David Hannent and these two were clearly in good natured rowdy mood and enjoying the occasion, and obviously doing well in the Quiz ...Grrrr!!... Half way through the proceedings when the unfortunate Rugby World Cup news came through, young David Hannent said "Up the Springboks!" This was clearly a jibe as England were abroad biting the bullet and losing all before them. Linda Hannent wasn't amused as Linda is a keen as mustard England Rugby enthusiast, and David was clearly being wicked.Oh tut tut! Marital bliss eh! Also saw other former forumites Sheila Amos and further across the hall Andy Cooper, and all were enjoying the proceedings greatly.

The interval came and we were running third last, but promising to build up a head of steam for part II. Cllr Ronnie Philpott revived the morale of the situation though, when she brought us a terrific spread of Ploughmans 'late lunch'! For the unitiated that's Ham, Cheese, Salad, Pickle and wedges of agricultural bread. We polished off the rest of the wine at that point. Our table of five had two bottles so we were in danger of 'losing it' by the end of proceedings. But all very enjoyable and at only £5 per head very good value, hence the good turnout.

We had a bit of a rally in the contest then, and edged ourselves up the table to the dizzy heights of fourth last. Such success should have received a fanfare, but no, we failed to impress anyone at all. Sigh!

The Cooper table won the whole thing and received very good prizes indeed. Naturally we were gutted.

Seriously though it was all very enjoyable and Mayor Bob announced at the end, that the evening had raised £400 for charity. So well done all round to everyone.

Picture:Mayor Bob announces that the evening had raised £400 for his Goodwill Fund.

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Paul Boland.
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