7 January 2008
Aaah Now, will you look at this.... What an innocent and gorgeous face, 'twould turn the hardest heart to the mushiest mush!
Yes our roving man, with camera poised, one
Phil Eyden, has been out there again on our behalf, capturing the local wildlife. Yes it's true, with blackened face and camouflaged garb, Phil made his way through the palm encrusted jungles of Wellington Dock, to bring us this latest scoop. With fear unfettered and valour aplenty, Phil expanded his chest, stuck his camera over the railings, and with an unheralded inter seal bonding, struck up at this fateful first glance, got these lovely pictures of our latest resident extraordinaire.
As ever Phil, if I can come back down to earth for a minute, they are beautiful pictures and I know everyone will love them. So a very well done to you.
See the additional new pictures below, and the original report and pictures just below that.
Comments Welcome - see blue bar below.
Here we are taking a leisurely swim...
Followed by a bit of an afternoon bask ....
All pictures by Phil Eyden.
* * *
Earlier sighting and report from Jan 6.

Isn't this resident one of the very best looking of all residents. Yes it is just fantastic to see him ( I say him but it might easily be a girl) and he is alive and well and appears to be comfortably living in Wellington Dock. There is a good supply of fish in Wellington Dock, as has been witnessed often, so he is in very affluent surrounds and has obviously chosen his new address wisely. Our renowned man of legend, one
Phil Eyden of wildlife page fame, also known as 'our roving man on the spot', and always with camera at the ready, captured these shots while out for a sunday afternoon ramble
( Jan 6, 2008). Let us hope this particular resident stays on and on. Well done Phil as ever and many thanks for sending them in.
Wellington Dock is the area behind De Bradelei Wharf and Cullins Yard.
Phil Eyden said...... "In case you were not aware, Dover has a new resident - a seal pup! It's been in the Wellington Dock area for at least the last ten days or so. I'm not sure if it's a Common or Grey, but either way it is quite young. It tends to lurk about by the back of Cullins Yard.
Here's a couple of pics I snapped this afternoon. Not great, but I didn't have my decent camera on me typically. Now I know where it is I might get luckier some day this week.
It's a lovely little animal, showing off to the crowd."
Baby Blue.
"Come to Cullins Yard and see the seal(s)".
Good to know that some lovely creatures inhabit our marina.
Thanks again.