The Great Balloon Fiasco....

4 January 2008

...Newspaper Coverage.

(also now see the readers comments added below).

It was very interesting to see the newspaper coverage of the now infamous Balloon Launch event in Pencester Gardens. This was the event that was intended to bring the Festival of Dover 2008 to the public's attention with a big impact. Sadly it failed abysmally to do just that, as is clear to one and all by now.

But yes the actual coverage, let's get back to the coverage. The Dover Mercury played the whole thing very straight and reported the event dutifully and without much emotion, leaving the reader with the distinct impression that it all went swimmingly. Ermmm no...not exactly chaps.

The Dover Express on the other hand took a more tabloidy approach and indeed had a scoff or two at proceedings, which as it turned out was the more accurate of the two, or more in tune with the public's view of it anyway. "Festival High Hopes Deflated" they said wryly in their headline.

The photographic coverage was fairly poor, but then again there was probably nothing much to photograph. The Mercury used a photograph so small that you couldnt see who was launching what. Were they councillors in the shot? was it the general public? perhaps they were superstars flown in for the occasion? Gawd knows! You or I wouldnt know. The Dover Express used a larger picture but you were hard pressed to tell who was in the photo. They managed to lose Jan Tranter's head in the shot as she launched her balloon into the wide and crisp blue yonder. Jan's poor head is thrown back too far to register. She just isnt visible. Being quite familiar to Doverforum it was possible to recognise her jacket and scarf, thats how I knew it was her anyway. Lyn Young's face has also vanished, hidden behind her loftily held arm. Not the photographers fault as such, as the hapless photographer just fires away at these things, as I know from experience, and tries to catch the essential and vital ballooons leaping skyward. But it shows how the luck was out on the day, and how the event seemed dogged by misfortune right from the word go.

Both newspapers at least managed to get a photographer to the event which was more than we managed.

Indeed. We at Doverforum never made it to the event as we knew nothing of it. We were never officially told or indeed asked until a day before. We heard about it initially second hand, via a posting from Vic Matcham, just a day and a half before the event, when something else was already planned, it being Christmas week. And as we all know by now, nobody else knew about it either. Eventually we were told officially but the horse had already bolted from our particular stable and we couldnt do it. Odd we were never told or got any mailshot on it, but not surprising knowing the Town Council. We have in the past been the only solitary media outfit to go to a number of Town Council Events, having recently photographed the rather sumptious Mayor's Dinner at the Town Hall, and at The Mayors Raffle in St Marys Church Hall and so on, so on, so forth. No one else took the trouble to turn up. But there we are. Weird isnt it. We still dont officially get anything via email or any other route. All we are trying to do is to get the word out on their behalf.

It is also worth the organisers realising, which I dont think they do as yet, realising that it takes more than throwing a few ballooons in the air to get the people of Dover to turn up. It is essential I would have thought, to organise a number of things in tandem that offer the public much much more, a prospect of some level of entertainment, and then maybe..just maybe.. somebody will come. One remembers the Jazz big band concert in the docks for example off the top of one's head, organised at great expense... but again ...nobody turned up, even to that one. Its not easy.

On our Letters Page Cllr Nigel Collor put up the Festival Events for the first two months or so, and it didnt make the blood rush to the head with a throbbing palpable excitement. Still, let us remain optimistic for better days ahead.

Paul Boland
Latest. Ive added Nigel's List of Festival Events, See following....

Added Extra from our Letters Page

Sunday, 30 December 2007 - 10:29am
Nigel Collor said....

Sue has already explained both our involvement with the Festival and that of the District Council.

Having read some of the (recent)comments and having picked up my fridge magnet... and the list of events for January, February & March. To help things along a little, the events listed for the first couple of weeks in January are as follows:

Wed. 2 Jan
10-12am Artful & Crafty Club, Galeria Varietique

Fri. 4 Jan
7 - 9 pm Adult Art Classes, Galeria Varietique

Sun. 6 Jan
10.30 am Morning Service, Dover Baptist Church
9.30 am Cycle Training, Fowlmead Country Club
10.15 am Health Walk, Visitor Centre, Fowlmead Ctry Club
6.00 pm Evening Service, Dover Baptist Church

Thur. 10 Jan
10.15 am Shrub Clearing, meet top of Noah's Ark Road

Sun. 13 Jan
10.30 am Morning Service, Dover Baptist Church
10.30 am Cycle Training, Fowlmead Country Club
9.00 am Duathlon, Fowlmead Country Club
10.15 am Health Walk, Visitor Centre, Fowlmead Ctry Club
6.00 pm Evening Service, Dover Baptist Church

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