3 March 2008Rave from the Grave!...Party Time!
There's one to frighten the horses! One archived picture bouncing back from the corridors of history...and as you can see we knew how to party in those days! Location was Millers and it wasnt long opened as I remember, and we went there to wet the baby's head. Well, we didnt have a baby but nobody looked. We were all keen partygoers and didnt need much of an excuse to have a party. And now we're having another one....see below. See all you regulars thursday night at The WHITE HORSE INN just behind the swimming leisure centre.
Guys in the picture are: Rick Jones founder Doverweb, Paul Watkins Leader of Dover District Council, Claire Barham now Ricks wife, PaulB, and of course another top DDC guru Nigel Collor.
Picture by Colette Boland
13 March - White Horse Inn
Doverforum Party
Yes we have a long tradition of parties and all contributors to the Forum are welcome. It starts at 7.30pm approx and there will be added FREE food. These parties always go very well indeed and this should be no exception. So get yourself down there. Its an Oul Cronies regroup night for further therapy.
Also must ask Jan Tranter, that's her in the picture left, to draw the winner out of the hat for the picture quiz. Only two successful entries, Paul Wells superstar historical bod, and Barry Williams superstar financial bod. Who will win the £20?...I know, I know, the excitement is intense. Has Dover ever seen anything like it!!
14 March 2008 - 7:30pm
Crabble Corn Mill Race Night
Experience the thrill of the races at
Crabble Corn Mill
A perfect end to the 2008 Cheltenham Festival!
7:30 pm FRIDAY 14th MARCH 2008
Sponsor a race! Become a racehorse owner!
Bookings / Enquiries call 01034 823292
Or e-mail: events@crabblecornmill.org.uk
£6.00 Per Ticket (Includes Buffet) — Licensed Bar
Tickets will be available from Crabble Corn Mill, Ann & Pams Florist & Phillips & Drew Menswear
Contact Name: Ant Reid
Telephone Number: 01304 823292
Email Address: events@crabblecornmill.org.uk
It is great to see Crabble Corn Mill fighting back. Their finances may not be in great shape but with the help of local people the Mill will survive. The full Doverforum and cronie entourage went there recently and had a great time. The picture shows yours truly showing off the hamper he won in the grand prize draw, along with superduper daughter BB.This is the only time I ever won anything anytime anywhere. So consider a night out at the Mill. It's great fun and all for a very good cause....and...you might even win one of the prizes!
Sorry we won't be there to enjoy it.
Hope the Race-Nite at the Corn Mill is also a good one - I've sent details of it out to all those on my address groups, so a lot of poeple know about it.
If only 10% of them attend, it will be a very successful evening.
Good Luck