18 December 2007 Information courtesy Gwyn Prosser's office.
Dover & Deal MP, Gwyn Prosser , led a high level delegation of stakeholders to Westminster this week (9/1/08) for a meeting with the Transport Minister, the Rt Hon Rosie Winterton MP, to discuss Dover’s plans for expansion and the need to improve its transport links.
Gwyn says:
“I’ve had a number of informal one-to-one meetings with the Minister since she took up her post and I’ve spelled out Dover’s ambitious growth plans and explained some of our transport concerns.
“At our delegate meeting in Westminster we briefed Ms Winterton on all the regeneration work that’s starting in Dover and Deal and told her about the Port of Dover’s expansion plans for Western Docks.
“We acknowledged the importance of the Government’s decision to run High Speed Trains into Dover but said it was now essential to upgrade the A2 and A20 approach roads if we are to deal with congestion and meet the needs of the townspeople and the expanding ferry trade”
The Minister said that she appreciated the importance of improving Dover’s infrastructure but , unfortunately, the Regional Transport Board has still not designated projects such as the dualling of the A2 as a priority for funding and this meant there was little likelihood of it going ahead in the near future.
However, she agreed to ask her officials to look at other ways of improving the road links to the port by taking advantage of Dover Harbour Board’s plans to expand the port and Dover District Council’s proposals for housing growth at Whitfield.
Discussions also took place about the problems associated with the inappropriate parking of HGVs and the implementation of the new system of Operation Stack.
After the discussions Gwyn told Doverforum:
“It’s very frustrating that priority decisions made by the Tory controlled South East Regional Assembly in Guilford continue to stand in the way of Dover’s road proposals but I believe we have made good progress towards finding alternative solutions. Shortly, the Ports Minister, Jim Fitzpatrick , will be visiting Dover to continue our discussions on infrastructure and at the end of the month I will be meeting with the Minister of State for Housing, Yvette Cooper , for further talks on development in East Kent”
(Details of photo - back row l-r - Nadeem Aziz, Chief Executive Dover District Council; Superintendent Roy Cottam, Deputy Area Commander, Kent Police; Chief Superintendent Steve Harris, Area Commander, Kent Police; Howard Holt, Director of Corporate Affairs, Port of Dover. Front row l-r - Cllr Ben Bano, Labour Group Leader, Dover District Council; Cllr Nigel Collor, Portfolio Holder for Access & Property Management, Dover District Council; Rt Hon Rosie Winterton MP, Minister of State for Transport; Gwyn Prosser MP.)
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Jan 10. I believe some of you are/were having problems seeing the picture below that accompanies the Dover Town Centre Regeneration story. It should be all fixed now and running properly, thanks to my colleague at Whyte Studio, Chris Tutthill.
The sea around Dover for the past few days has been extremely rough and crossings are subject to delay. We have seen the usual backlog of trucks permeating westwards just as soon as the sea turns rough. The picture on the left gives an indication of just how rough the sea has been, with waves leaping hugely and spectacularly over the sea wall. It is surely only for the brave or foolhardy to venture out there onto the shiney blue at the moment, however we mustnt forget the drivers and seafarers who carry on through it all night and day without any choice. Well done to them all. Its a tough job....but like they say, someone's got to do it!
Latest HOT
News just in from DDC.
See comments below.
Jan 8:Work is set to begin on site for the multi pound regeneration of Dover Town Centre by the end of the month, with soil investigations and archaeological studies scheduled - and the demolition of the Russell Street Stagecoach depot likely by the end of May.
This follows the agreement of Dover District Council’s Cabinet yesterday to take legal steps to acquire land needed for this pivotal redevelopment.
Cabinet resolved that, subject to prior completion of an indemnity agreement with the developer (Bond City), the Council makes a Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) for land within the redevelopment area. The making of a CPO is a statutory procedure that will allow the Council to compulsorily acquire land required for development. The Head of Regeneration has been authorised, subject to relevant committee procedures, to take all necessary steps to move this redevelopment forward.
Major progress continues to be made on this key regeneration project, which could bring more than 500 jobs to the area. Plans were submitted by developer Bond City and food giant Asda, and approved by planners in 2007. The development includes a 85,000 square foot store, with 35,000 square foot of additional shop and restaurant space, a 100 bedroom hotel, 53 affordable homes and a new 600 space car park.
Through its appointment of Bond/Asda and arrangements with the South East England Development Agency (SEEDA), DDC has been able to make progress, including the acquisition of the Charringtons site, Dolphin House and the Stagecoach depot at Russell Street. The new Stagecoach depot at Whitfield is progressing, and Stagecoach will be moving to their new site shortly, which will then mean DDC will be able to demolish the old Russell Street depot.
Cllr Frederick Scales, Cabinet Member for Economy and Special Projects, said: “This pivotal site in delivering Dover’s first phase of major regeneration projects is making great progress. Although we would prefer to acquire any outstanding land by negotiation and agreement, and we continue to do that, we need to make a Compulsory Purchase Order, and it was important to make this decision. We look forward to moving on with this key regeneration and to seeing work starting later this month.”
Picture shows artists impression of new development.
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Dover District Council’s Cabinet has confirmed today that it is going ahead with the extension of a linear, or cost per minute, parking scheme across the area, as part of a wide ranging review of parking regulations for the district.
A range of measures includes refunds at Dover Leisure Centre, additional controls at Victoria Park in Deal to support the bowls and gym clubs, a reduction in the annual season ticket for Gazen Salts in Sandwich from £75 to £40, and a review of charges across all areas, with charges ranging from 50p per hour. The charging period will be from 9am to 6pm, this is a shorter period than all other East Kent Authorities.
Cabinet agreed proposed changes to the current off street and on street Orders. This follows full public consultation on proposals and full consideration of all feedback.
Cllr Nigel Collor, DDC Cabinet Member for Access and Property Management, said: “We are working hard to deliver quality services and improved public transport. We have listened to all feedback and parking charges for the district remain amongst the lowest in East Kent, with our charging period shorter than many other authorities.
“It should be stressed that after covering the costs of providing and maintaining parking services, surplus parking revenue is used for transport and environmental projects and supports transport-related regeneration projects. We continue to support an exciting transport agenda, with recent improvements in public transport leading to a 5% increase in bus use, with the arrival of the high speed rail link, and a major regeneration agenda driving the district forward for an exciting future.”
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Double Whammy for Ann & Pam
After walking away with Dover Town Centre Management’s award for best dressed Christmas window last week, Ann & Pam’s florist of Cherry Tree, Dover scooped the London Road Community Forum’s trophy too.
The Florist established in 1976 has won various awards over the past 32 years including Flower Shop of the Year & many carnival trophies.
Pam Drew the shops proprietor said “This is wonderful, the staff put a lot of effort into the displays so it’s lovely to be reaping the rewards now”.
A special award to promote safer parking areas has been presented to two more Dover District Council car parks, at Tides Car Park in Deal and the Granville Road Car Park in Walmer. This means around 90% of DDC car parks are now covered by the awards. The total number of DDC car parks accredited with safer parking status is now the second highest in Kent, with 36 out of 41 car parks covered.
Park Mark is an initiative of the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO), aimed at reducing crime and the fear of crime in parking facilities. The award is made to facilities that have achieved the requirements of a risk assessment carried out by the Police. The award looks at management and inspection regimes and means that measures are in place to deter criminal activity and anti-social behaviour. For customers, using a Park Mark Safer Parking facility means the area has been vetted by the Police and has measures in place to create a safe environment. The scheme is managed by the British Parking Association on behalf of ACPO and supported by the Home Office.
The award at Tides Car Park follows the installation of infra-red CCTV cameras, funded by the Community Safety Partnership, and the attendance of local voluntary group the Carpenters Arms, supported by the GenX Project, at Victoria Park, which provides free hot drinks for youths on Friday nights.
Cllr Nigel Collor, DDC Cabinet Member for Access, said: “We continue to work hard to improve facilities and safety across the area, and this is a real credit to the hard work of our Parking Services Team and partners in the community. These latest awards mean that around 90% of the district’s car parks are now recognised as safer places to park.”
Cllr Mrs Julie Rook, Cabinet Member for Citizenship, said: “This is great news, and we are very grateful for the voluntary sector involvement, and the support of the Community Safety Partnership. We remain fully committed to working with partners in the community to make the district a safer place and to raise the quality of life in the area.”
A spokesman for Kent Police said: "Crime and anti-social behaviour have been reduced significantly across the Dover District, especially in Council operated car parks. Although crime in car parks is unlikely to be eliminated altogether, consideration has to be given to the location of the facility and the amount of use that it has. Dover District Council has worked hard to reduce the risk and fear of crime in its facilities and thoroughly deserves the awards.”
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Hello everyone,
Since our AGM, held on 11th December was unable to produce a quorum, the meeting was dissolved and will now be held at the Community Centre on Tuesday 22nd January from 6.00pm. TCM have a statutory duty to hold an AGM before 17th February 2007, so you're attendance would be much appreciated.
Annual General Meeting Notice and Agenda
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the annual general meeting of the company will be held at Dover Community Centre, 1 Maison Dieu Road, Dover, on Tuesday 22 January at 6pm. for the following purposes:
1. To receive the report of the directors and the audited accounts for the year ended 31st March 2007.
2. To elect the directors in place of those retiring.
3. To re-elect the auditors.
4. To authorise the directors to fix the remuneration of the auditors.
5. To transact any other ordinary business of the company not requiring prior notice.
By order of the board
Marlowe Theatre Press Info
The Marlowe Youth Theatre re-launched
THE Marlowe Youth Theatre is pleased to announce the new collaboration with Canterbury-based, Whippersnapper Theatre Company. The company will be leading the weekly sessions at the St Peter’s Methodist Church in Canterbury on Tuesday evenings.
Whippersnapper performed at the Marlowe Theatre open day this summer, as well as regular working with children in local schools. They also had a successful run in this year’s Canterbury Festival to critical acclaim.
Kim Savage from the Marlowe Theatre said, ‘we are very excited to be working with Whippersnapper in the New Year. The Marlowe is committed to providing the opportunity for local young people to be involved within the arts. We want to expand young people’s idea of what theatre can be and encourage them to try new thing – and of course, have fun!’
The Marlowe Youth Theatre is re-launching on the January 18 with lots of new benefits for members, including radically discounted tickets to shows as well as the chance to perform on the Marlowe stage. There are two groups, 10-13 and 14-16 year olds. Skills will be developed in improvisation, characterisation and storytelling.
Places are currently available in each group. For more information and to receive an application pack, please contact Kim Savage on 01227 828355 or kim.savage@canterbury.gov.uk
Dover District Council is announcing arrangements for the Christmas period. The Council offices at Whitfield will be closed from 5pm Monday 24 December, to 9am Wednesday 2 January. Dover District Council @ Your Service in Castle Street will be closed from 4.30pm Monday 24 December, to 9am Wednesday 2 January. Aylesham Area Office will close at 4.30pm Wednesday 19 December, and will reopen at 9am Wednesday 2 January. Deal Area Office will close at 4.30pm Monday 24 December, and reopen at 9am Wednesday 2 January, and Sandwich Area Office will close at 4.30pm on Friday 21 December, and reopen at 9am on Thursday 3 January.
All refuse collection days and black box collections are normal, except there will be no collection on Christmas Day or Boxing Day. Green waste collection will stop after the collection on Friday 21 December and start again on Monday 7 January.
For full information, please see the Council website at www.dover.gov.uk . If you have an emergency over the Christmas period and need to contact the Council please call (01304) 821199.
Far reaching work to look at the issues and concerns of young people in the district and solutions for the future was given a major boost following a special workshop with partners in the community.
More than 50 delegates from a wide range of organisations from the voluntary, community and statutory sector were invited to The Ark on Wednesday (12 December). The workshop reviewed the success of the 2005-2008 Youth Strategy and set the format for the next five years, based on the issues and concerns of young people.
The meeting, organised by Dover District Council and Kent County Council, looked at priorities identified by young people and gathered feedback from representatives. This reflected outcomes set out by the Government as part of the Every Child Matters framework. Priority issues identified by young people included drugs, bullying, litter and transport. Key messages from organisations included the need for all agencies to work together, to share information and to understand young people.
All feedback is now being taken fully into account in the preparation of the Youth Strategy 2008-2012. This will include an action plan for the future. The Strategy will be delivered by a range of partners in the community, led by Dover District Council and Kent County Council. The draft Strategy will be out for consultation with stakeholders in the new year. A Youth Strategy sub-group has been set up, and the Dover District Youth Forum will help to progress this important work.
Cllr Mrs Julie Rook, DDC Cabinet Member for Citizenship, said: “It is vital we make sure we allow young people’s voices to be heard to help shape the services we deliver in our communities. The Youth Strategy has been a great success, and this is our opportunity to build on that work and ensure all partners in the community listen to young people and work together in delivering services for the future.”
KCC Cabinet Member for Community Services Mike Hill said: “It is very important that we listen to young people when addressing their needs and this strategy will ensure that we work together to improve their lives based on their ideas and opinions on the issues that affect them most.”
For more information about Youth Services, the Youth Strategy, or the Dover District Youth Forum, please contact DDC Youth Officer Yvonne Holder on (01304) 872153.
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Applications are being invited from members of the community who want to get involved and have an independent say on Councillors’ allowances for the future.
The East Kent Joint Independent Remuneration Panel and the East Kent Joint Parish Remuneration Panels are set up to make recommendations to District and Parish Authorities about allowances paid to elected Members, in accordance with The Local Authorities (Members’ Allowances) (England) Regulations 2003. The Panels will carry out this role for Dover, Shepway and Thanet District Councils, and for the Parish Councils within their areas. Members of Panels provide a valuable contribution in advising elected Members in setting the allowance scheme.
Suitable candidates are likely to have an understanding of the work of Local Government and elected Members, good questioning skills, and be assertive. It would be interesting to hear from applicants who have experience of the voluntary sector or local business community, and/or experience of setting allowance schemes.
Independent members will need to be able to devote time to the work. Meetings will be held during the daytime and evenings. Panels meet as is required, usually once or twice a year, except during years when the four yearly review of allowances is required. Members will be expected to serve a minimum of two years. An annual allowance will be paid with an additional allowance for each meeting they are required to attend. Members of the Remuneration Panels will not be: a co-opted or elected Member of any Local Authority; disqualified from being or becoming a member of a Local Authority; a close friend or relative of an elected Member.
If you are interested in applying, or for more information, please contact Ms Rebecca Brough, Democratic Support Officer on 01304 872304. The closing date for applications is Friday, 4 January 2008.
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