The Front Page. - Copy 133 (DTC info request, Reg Hansell latest, Waves.)

24 October 2010

Communicate with your
Town Council:

Because your Town Council wants to hear from you....
yes YOU!

The picture on the left shows your Town Councillors standing out in the rain last saturday in an entirely wholesome effort to communicate with Joe Public. The Council are having a consultation period at the moment and they want to hear from you. Their slogan during this consultation period is...
"How do you want your money spent."

There are a number of new spending issues facing Dover Town Council right now and they have launched this interesting consultation period which runs between the 25th October until 13th November. As mentioned they want to hear from you on a range of issues most notably the controversial Toilets issue, which has been a huge topic here on Doverforum. For example.. would YOU pay to use public toilets? How much do YOU think is a reasonable charge to use a public toilet? There are more issues too and its all on their form. Download the form from the Dover Town Council website and let them know how you feel. It is an easy to use form..its even a bit of fun to fill in. Yes... really!

Here now is The Mayor's statement about this important consultation....
"Dover Town Council is committed to total and thorough engagement with the people of Dover over the future of their services. It is no secret that Dover District Council is looking to the Town Council to take extra responsibility in providing non statutory services. However, we are acutely aware of the initial and future costs this would involve for our precept payers and the potential impact on the services we currently provide.

Therefore this unique survey and the opportunities to talk face to face with the Town Council are intended to identify the priorities of Dovorians and fully inform them of the implications ensuring the Town Council has a strong indication of future expectations by the town’s residents.

At the end of the consultation Councillors will be better placed to decide what and how the Town Council provides before budget setting in December. The District Council will then be able to prepare its own budgets accordingly and (hopefully) deal more effectively with the financial challenges it faces."

Mayor Sue Jones.

On the frontpage of the Dover Town Council website you can easily find the form to download and fill in. There is also more info on our ADVERTISE WITH US page under Dover Town Council. You can click the banner there or the one rotating at the top of all our pages and this will take you through directly to their website at

You are gasping to know who your councillors are in the picture above...well here we are...left to right. Chris Precious, Ronnie Philpott ( Mayoress), Sue Jones (Mayor), Pam Brivio, Diane Smallwood, Jan Tranter, Bob Markham, Lyn Young, and David Hannent (Deputy Mayor)... a whole gaggle of illustrious ex-mayors there. PB.

Picture supplied by Dover Town Council

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Vandals Close Pier

..but the cafe stays open!

The following information just in from Dover Harbour Board.....

Following several incidents of vandalism, the Prince of Wales Pier will be closed overnight during the winter season. From Friday 29th October the pier will close every night from 7.00pm until 8.00am the following morning. Business will carry on as usual for the cafe at the end of the pier which will continue to open during the day at weekends. We're sorry that we've had to take this necessary step and apologise for any inconvenience this may cause to those who use the pier in the evenings. Ends.

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Reg Hansell writes to Eric Pickles...

Local campaigner Reg Hansell has spotted an opportunity following the announcement of the plans to merge those three very major Councils in London, obviously this London move was with a view to saving vast amounts of money. Reg as we know has voiced his opinion long and hard here on Doverforum and in the local newspapers about doing the exact same thing down here in East Kent..Reg explains more in this letter below to the Coalition's Communities Minister which has been copied to local MP Charlie Ekphicke......

Dear Sir,
Having backed the plans of Hammersmith and Fulham, Kensington and Chelsea and Westminster Councils to merge would you please consider asking/advising/recommending the East Kent Councils of Dover, Canterbury, Thanet and Shepway to do the same?

Your encouragement to do so would allow the people of East Kent to save millions of pounds to help the fight to reduce the Deficit of this country.

Reg Hansell.
Shepherdswell,Kent.(East Kent)

How do you feel?? Saving money on one hand always equates to job losses on the which route is best? Leave your comment below. Its open to all.
Picture shows Reg Hansell in fine fettle, it was taken earlier this year at the Deputy Mayor's meeting about developing inner Dover.
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Rough Sea

The waves had their admirers yesterday, particularly from us landlubbers safely onshore. The delightful sound of screaming kids enjoying themselves, while dodging the spray, was the highlight of the day on the seafront. Girls especially seem to get a great and noisy satisfaction from not managing to get their hair wet, while at the same time tempting the ocean to do it if it dares. Their high pitched screams could penetrate the walls of the deepest wartime tunnel. But it's all a delight to watch and enjoy.

The sea outside the harbour was very rough indeed with shipping forecasts of 'severe gale 9 off Dover' mentioned. Yet one glance down into the loading area in the docks and there were hundreds willing to go across anyway. Hardy souls. The ferries were busy but somewhat hampered in docking by the conditions.

I included the car in the picture above taken in the afternoon to show the scale of the wave thats about to impact. PB

See ALL RECENT FEATURES for all previous features.

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