7 December 2010New Buckland Hospital Given Go Ahead: Latest News Just In...

We were wondering yesterday here on Doverforum which politician would be first to grab the credit for this new hospital in Buckland. We thought someone would sooner or later, but what a surprise..faster than super sprinter Linford Christie, our local MP Charlie Elphicke was in there, breasting the 100 metre tape quicker than a rocket propelled grenade.
Charlie's latest high gloss all colourful leaflet dropped onto our doormats yesterday, or was it the day before, and here we have it reproduced left, and you can see the words for yourself there. So after all this time the penny has dropped for yours truly...hands up I had been supremely thick when it came to assessing what the term "proper hospital" actually meant, well now we know. This new one at Buckland is a proper hospital. Confirmed.
The following press release just in courtesy of DDC so big thanks to them for the information.
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust (EKHUFT) has approved plans to proceed with the proposed Community Hospital at Buckland. Work will start immediately on drawing up the application for formal planning permission.
The new Community Hospital will provide for an increase in the number of hospital outpatient appointments which can be offered to the people of Dover.Trust calculations show that this will cut the need for thousands of Dover residents to travel to hospital appointments at the William Harvey Hospital in Ashford, the Kent and Canterbury Hospital in Canterbury or the Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother Hospital in Margate. This represents a significant improvement in access and convenience for local people.
The Trust has also confirmed that the plans will include a minor injuries unit staffed by nurse consultants.
The Trust is also committed to working with its GP partners to explore the possibility of extending the opening hours of the centre from 8 am to 8 pm.
Other new developments include minor surgery in a dedicated procedure suite, therapy services, a day hospital and diagnostic services including mobile MRI and CT services.
The Trust is aware of the need to provide access for patients who travel to the unit using all forms of transport and an important part of the planning will be to assess the number of car parking spaces which will be needed to support the increased services.Initially, as part of its planning application in liaison with Kent Highway Services, it is planning to provide over 200 spaces.
The Trust has also agreed to provide land within the site in order to provide local GP’s with a location on which they could build an Intermediate care bed facility.Details such as bed numbers are still to be decided and Kent County Council Social Services will be invited to commission respite care beds alongside the proposed GP run operation.
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Another Design Award for our Seasports Centre.
It is always nice to be able to report an upbeat story with some good news...and here we are. This time it's about our successful Seasports Centre photographed left. Once again our fantastic Centre has been recognised by people in the know for its excellent design and functionality. Since being built relatively recently (2009) it has been something of a thriving hub of activity, not only for watersports as you might expect...but on top of this main core activity, various functions of note both political and otherwise have been held there. Only recently for example our beloved Dame Vera Lynn, who once sang in romantic tones of our fabulous bluebirds and white cliffs, graced the building in fine style. She was at the time helping Dover MP Charlie Elphicke launch his People's Port privatisation bid.
The building which was designed by Simons Design Ltd and built by Jenner Ltd has been recognised so far in the following way...
4 Nominations in the LABC Building Excellence Awards with a "commended" in the Best Technical Development Category. (LABC is Local Authority Building Control) Other nominations were Best Community Building, Best Large Commercial Building (over 1 million) and Best Partnership with a Local Authority.
RIBA East Midlands Awards for Architecture 2010 a "Highly Commended" for the Best Building outside the region category.(RIBA Royal Institute of British Architects). East Midlands because Simons Design are based in that region.
RTPI Planning Awards 2010 an "Award" in the Arts Culture and Sport Category South East Region (RTPI Royal Town Planning Institute).
Dover District Council were also nominated for a RTPI Award for their regeneration plans, part of which included the Seasports Centre.
So quite a success story there. Many thanks to John Haynes for the information. John was Technical Director and Project Leader for Simons Design Ltd during the construction of the Seasports Centre.
As an added aside: the picture above was taken 2 days ago. Just as those young crazy sailors were about to launch themselves into the harbour for some afternoon sailing in freezing conditions..oooh they're a hardy lot! But the prominent blue boat as seen above, is none other than the DOVERFORUM.COM sponsored sailboat. It proudly and prominently displays our logo as it sails about in the harbour, and for some reason sticks out hugely vividly in the shot above. Paul Boland.