The Front Page. - Copy 158 ( The Paul Wells Exhibition)

20 January 2011

Welcome to an Exhibition of Photographs by Paul 'Scotchie' Wells.

I had intended to put these words further up the page but in the end one had to desist, because to add the words would just have broken the harmony and flow of the superb best in the end just to let the pictures do the talking.

We have all known Paul 'Scotchie' Wells for a long time, primarily due to his outstanding contributions to this website. For many years he has been a staunch member of the contributors club. He has been with us since the early days of doverweb, the site which eventually over time morphed into the one we have Through all those years, and of course weathering the many parties and get togethers in the interim, 35 year old Paul has been with us all that time and is still happily a tip top contributor.

Paul is not originally from Dover. He is one of us interlopers. He was born in Hampshire, grew up in sunny Margate and now lives merrily in Deal...thereby furnishing us with conclusive proof that there is life outside Dover.

Paul is an avid historian and has supplied us here on Doverforum with many stunning pictures of times past. And in this vein he has also been published...yes indeed, along with co-author Jeff Howe he wrote Dover Past and Present which was published by the History Press in 2009. Yours truly has a signed copy. There are more books in the pipeline, so as they say in all the best this space! He is also Western Heights Preservation Society treasurer, a Member of Kent Underground Research Group and a Friend of Dover Castle. So quite an all round dynamo...not bad at all for a quiet accountant. PB

Notes re pictures to follow...yes here we are..
1 - Kingsgate Bay, Broadstairs
2 - Langdon Cliffs, Dover
3 - Russel Gardens, Dover
4 - Deal Beach
5 - Langdon Bay, Dover (Wreck of the SS Falcon)
6 - Langdon Bay, Dover
Copyright: pictures are the property of Paul Wells and must not be reproduced without permission.
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