1 September 2011
No not really. Just a teenage girl enjoying the pleasures of the current very high tides here in Dover Harbour, very low tides too. We have several other pictures of her swinging on the pole at the end of the jetty..so it was all just good fun..pic taken on wednesday, the last day of summer. School awaits. PB.
Tombstoning ! Latest....
A safety campaign aimed at dissuading youngsters from taking part in the dangerous craze of tombstoning has had a huge impact.
In February, the Port of Dover Police and the Dover District Community Safety Partnership launched a DVD graphically illustrating the dangers of the high risk activity, with the launch attracting local and national publicity. Copies of the DVD were given to schools across the Dover area – and there have been requests nationwide for the film. Workshops have also been held in schools and youth groups locally.
As a result there has been a 98% reduction in reports of tombstoning at the Port of Dover. During the school summer holidays there has been only one reported incident. PC Martin Dadd, from the Port of Dover Police, said in previous summer holidays there could be up to 12 incidents a day.
Three hundred copies of the film were made, funded by the community safety partnership. With the help of local schoolchildren, who participated in the film, the DVD follows a tombstoning incident and subsequent rescue with the help of Dover Coastguard and the South East Ambulance Service.
Sonny Wells, of Waterloovile, Hampshire, who was paralysed jumping from a jetty in Southsea in 2008, also features in the film, telling of his devastating injuries.
Community Safety Manager at Dover District Council Christopher Allen said: “These are dramatic results and there is no doubt that this partnership campaign has not only reduced the number of incidents but has undoubtedly prevented people sustaining life threatening injuries.”
PC Dadd has been invited to attend the UK Ports safety meeting held at the Grand Hotel in Brighton in September to give a presentation on the subject with a showing of the DVD to all Port representatives, a copy being issued to each port.
PC Dadd commented: “We are delighted that the DVD has had such an effect in reducing the dangerous pursuit of tombstoning. With some of the ports across the UK experiencing similar problems it is rewarding to know that all UK ports wish to take the DVD on board.”
Many thanks to DHB for the Tombstoning press release.
Both pictures Paul Boland.