The Front Page. - Copy 221 ( Christmas message DDC, Police Christmas message, Bus Shelters increase.)

21 December 2011

Official message....

To all residents of Dover District .

My thoughts are with those suffering from ill health, spending a first Christmas without a loved one , or separated from those they love. I wish you the joys of this season and a peaceful New Year .

Sue Nicholas, Chairman of Dover District Council.



With Christmas just around the corner, and an exciting year ahead for the district, the Dover Quality Bus Partnership is welcoming news that, as part of the partnership, Dover District Council has funded 23 new bus shelters across the area over the last two years.

Nineteen new shelters have already been installed over the 2010/11 and 11/12 financial years – with four more to be put in by the end of January 2012.

This is part of an ongoing programme to improve community facilities across the area that has also seen new buses provided by Stagecoach and raised kerbs by KCC.
Representatives from Dover District Council, Kent County Council and Stagecoach signed the Quality Bus Partnership agreement in April 2009. The partnership agreement represented a set of agreed principles and actions, and a commitment to continue to work together for quality local bus services for the area. 

Cllr Nigel Collor, DDC Cabinet Member for Access and Property Management, pictured left said:
“The Quality Bus Partnership is a great example of successful partnership working, and we are very pleased to have worked together to improve community facilities, and to have provided these 23 new shelters. We continue to work with all our partners to develop services and support sustainable transport for the future of the district.”
Kent County Council Cabinet Member for Environment, Highways and Waste, Bryan Sweetland, said:
“We welcome this investment by Dover District Council in new bus shelters, which complements the work undertaken by Kent County Council and the investment in new buses by Stagecoach in East Kent, and demonstrates the value of the Dover Quality Bus Partnership.”
Jeremy Cooper, Commercial Director for Stagecoach said: “We commend Dover District Council for recognising that waiting facilities are an essential part of the travel experience that make bus journeys even more pleasant for bus users, and rightly complement the significant investment we continue to make in quality buses and improved frequencies."

Thanks to DDC for the above info.

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See also the witness appeal below....

Pub and club goers in the Dover, Deal and Sandwich area will be leaving night spots not with music ringing in their ears but with a safety message from Kent Police.

As part of the police campaign - Stay Safe this winter, a pre-recorded CD will be played at venues at closing time urging customers to pay attention to personal safety and not get involved in fights or other disorder. The messages have been recorded by Heart FM presenters.

Sergeant Samantha Parker said: “We hope the CD will be a reminder to those who may be under the influence of alcohol to get home safely and not get involved in disorder and remember those who are trying to sleep.

“It is being distributed to pubs and clubs in the Dover district and I hope that licensees and managers will also play their part in ensuring the safety of their customers.”

Kent Police’s Stay Safe this Winter campaign will be focusing on preventing burglary and theft from commercial premises as well as reducing violence in the night-time economy and anti-social behaviour.
Owners of property are being urged to help fight crime by registering phones and other personal property at .

The following advice about keeping valuables safe is also available at

In your vehicle
make sure you're the one taking the Christmas shopping home - lock car doors, close windows and take all valuables with you when you leave your vehicle. Don't tempt thieves.
At home
close and lock all windows and doors before you go out or to bed
don't leave keys or Christmas presents on display near windows and doors
close the curtains when it gets dark so people can't see in
dispose of packaging carefully - the wrapping and boxes you put outside your house on bin day advertise what's in your house.
put a radio and a light on a timer, to come on after it gets dark, so it seems like someone's home.
When you're out and about
don't leave valuables unattended or on display i.e. on top of a pram, trolley or table
keep your bag zipped up and in front of your body - use a purse chain if you can
Stay safe on nights out
On your nights out this Christmas, have fun but stay safe.

Remember - Alcohol makes you vulnerable and reduces your inhibitions, meaning you're more likely to do things you wouldn't normally. Drink responsibly. Stay in control and walk away from confrontations.
Never drink and drive - before you go on a night out, get your lift home organised.

Picture above shows Town Centre officer, PC Paul Tutthill handing over the personal safety CD to the licensee of the Bar Ellie in Dover, Gavin Hughes.

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LATEST JUST IN........Witness Appeal Dover.

Police are trying to trace anyone who saw a woman and man talking as she sat on the kerb in Cannon Street, Dover, at about 6pm last Thursday (15 December 2011)

The 36-year-old woman has reported to police that she was sexually assaulted by the man in an area behind a kebab shop in Cannon Street. Her mobile phone was taken following the assault.

The man is described as about 25, stocky and wearing dark clothing.
Any witnesses are asked to contact PC Matthew Smith on 01227 868278.

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