The Front Page. - Copy 224 ( Hot Cars and Western Heights)

31 December 2011

Hot Cars :

This exotic array of American Hotcars fetched up on our damp Dover seafront a few days ago, and they were certainly a colourful sight for sore winter eyes. They have all the trottle throbbing appeal of a Californian summer and no mistake. Here they are in Dover mid-winter brightening up the gloomy seafront, and very welcome visitors they are too.

I wonder though...can anyone name what they are?? We are baffled this end so would always be delighted to hear. But they bring back reminiscences of those Beach Boy summers of long ago when it was all Hot Rods and Surf Sound.

Let us know directly if you can name them on Or if you want to join the Members Club and name them yourself and be a regular contributor then email the same address. PaulB.

Western Heights

The White Cliffs Countryside Partnership guys were doing their nature clean up in the picture at the bottom of the page just a few days ago. That very same evening right over the centre of their endeavours, this sky below appeared in front of the camera lens for just a few moments. Perhaps it was nature's tribute to the effort made...

The guys from the WCCP cleaning up on the dizzy heights of Western Heights a day or so ago in the crisp sunshine. This spectacular shot is by Paul Sampson the Partnership Project Officer of WCCP. In the background you can see some of the beautiful marina and the further harbour. Not only do the guys pictured here benefit from volunteering out in all that fresh air, but they get a great job it builds up an appetite too. None of that sitting around sluggishly watching TV repeats for these guys over Christmas. No sir!

See also the latest thread in our Forum called WCCP Site Maintenance. More pictures there.

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