The Front Page - Copy 64(DCAL Hayley fundraiser)

31 January 2010

DCAL Girls raise £2135 for Hayley.

The information below has come through from DCAL and many of you will know the effort the team made to raise funds for young terminally ill Hayley Okines. It has been a sterling effort by DCAL to raise such a sum of money. But without further ado, I will let the DCAL statement take over from here.....

On Saturday 23rd January DCAL Honorary Carnival Princess Hayley Okines, stopped by to see the other members of the carnival court. Terminally ill Hayley aged 12 who suffers with Premature ageing condition Gilford Hutchinson Progeria Syndrome (Progeria) Visited Dover with Mum Kerry Okines to meet up with Miss Dover and her court for lunch and to recieve the proceeds from the August bank Holiday fundraising walk to Brighton. This walk was undertaken by the court in order to help raise much needed funds to help with her medical treatment.

Miss Dover Loren Selby 17 and the court had lunch at Chapter 8 Chinese Buffet Restaurant with Hayley and handed over £1135.00 which was raised through sponsorship, bringing the total raised by the DCAL girls to £2135 this year.

DCAL Chairman Mandie Sehmbi said.

"Seeing Hayley and her family really does help put your own life into perspective. Hayley is a great girl, and although we haven't raised a huge amount, hopefully we have helped raise much needed awareness for sufferers of Progeria. The DCAL court and committee are all committed to helping Hayley and our fundraising activities will be on going to help Hayley and research into her condition.
Hayley started High school in September and is doing really well. It is such an honour to be able to help such a wonderful family .

The annual Progeria reunion is very likely to be held in Ashford this year, and the DCAL team will be very much part of that event, and are looking forward to meeting other Progeria sufferers from around the world.

We are now looking at other fundraising challenges to help raise money, and people can still offer support by sending cheques made payable to Hayley Okines to Mandie at 49, Noah's Ark Road Dover CT17 0DD

Picture by Mandie Sehmbi shows....
Miss Dover Loren Selby, Senior princess Sofie Stroud
Junior Princess Carris Ffrench and Junior Miss Dover Kayleigh Anderton
Honorary princess Hayley Okines
Junior Princess Keely Russell Deputy Junior Miss Dover Jordan Sehmbi
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