The Front Page - Copy 84 (Nuclear Power, Politic Leafleting, Lord Pearson.)

12 April 2010

Presentation on the future of
Nuclear Power at Dungeness

Tuesday night saw the great and the good of Kent gather at the The Quarterhouse, Tontine St, Folkestone, to talk about the future for jobs in the region but in particular jobs in Nuclear Power. Recently a government study and report erased that well know local icon Dungeness from all its future power plans. The power station there will close by 2020 with the loss of many jobs, it will devastate the area. This whole region is fighting for jobs, fighting for economic survival, so the loss of the power station will hit hard right across this whole area.

The Chairman of KCC Mr John Davies who is a strong supporter of local business, along with the Chairman of Shepway District Council Cllr Susan Carey, organised this meeting in an effort to fight back. “We Want Nuclear Power!“ is the message. They hope to lobby and persuade the incoming government, of whatever hue, to change its mind.

The potentiality of flooding was the main reason the government gave in scrapping any nuclear future for Dungeness, now where have we heard that one before, but many experts dispute that such a hazard presents an insurmountable obstacle. If a Nuclear Power station could be built to replace the existing one it could be in operation by 2030 supplying energy to 5.5million people. It would also bring up to 1600 jobs and inject as much as £50million into the local economy. Such a power station would supply 30% of our national energy demand.

EDF, who own the current site having taken it over a year ago, are keen to build it and are supported not only by John Davies and Susan Carey but by a whole range of local politicians.

Former Government Minister and local MP Michael Howard, who could not be at the meeting because of the imminent election, said that he “Strongly supports the case for a new power station at Dungeness”

Paul Carter, The Leader of Kent County Council, speaking at the meeting said..” The southeast economy is the breadbasket of the nations economy…KCC will do all it can to allow EDF to build this Nuclear Power Station at Dungeness.”

David Brazier, Deputy Cabinet member for the Environment KCC said
“ It could be of exceptional economic importance”.

So as you can see…the issue is getting tremendous support.

Picture Captions: Top picture shows the Chairman of Kent County Council John Davies with the first lady Christine. As always.. they are excellent hosts at events like this. Next picture down shows the Mayor of Folkestone Janet Andrews, in the foreground is Alderman of Kent and former Chairman of KCC, Fred Wood Brignall and his wife Margaret. Next picture down is of the current Mayor of Dover and soon to be elected for a second term, Sue Jones, with ever pleasant Mayoress Ronnie Philpott.

The pictures below ...the shot on the left shows two Deputy Lieutenants of Kent, on the left hand side George Jessel, then Rosalind McCarthy centre, then a familiar face to many Leyland Ridings of KCC. The picture right below is of the Chairman of Shepway District Council, Susan Carey, joint host of the meeting, seen here with David Brazier, Deputy Cabinet Member for the Environment, KCC.

Paul Boland


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Charlie Elphicke Winning the Leaflet War!

This is just a rough straw poll taken from the central Dover seafront area.

But as we stand at this time, the election leaflets that have thundered onto my doormat with great aplomb have all been coming from one direction and one direction only. The running score so far..
Conservatives 5
Labour 0
Liberal Democrats 0
Others 0

Whether the other parties are not bothering because they all assume it to be a Conservative area, or whether it is simply the fact that the Conservatives have more of a budget than the others...well I just dont know. I took the picture on the left about four days ago..but its already out of date as I have had two further leaflets delivered since, the latest one being another very high gloss colourful example(not shown)... all featuring Charlie of course. PB


UKIP Leader Lord Pearson on the Andrew Marr Show.

I personally dont recall ever seeing Lord Pearson, as Leader of UKIP, have the opportunity to be interviewed on a flagship televison programme before, but yesterday this milestone was achieved. He may well indeed have been interviewed on lesser light shows but not on such a major programme as this, in a telling one to one encounter with ace inquisitor Andrew Marr.

As you would expect he spoke in derisory terms of the European Union and Brussels in general. He talked of Brussels being a "corrupt octopus with long tentacles", an organisation that absorbs "squillions" of our money each year. He wants withdrawal, which was no surprise, and mentioned how he would spend those squillions instead of giving it to Brussels.."our payments to the EU per single day would pay for 600 more nurses per year!" said Lord Pearson... he went on to say that "5 more years in the EU and we will be enmeshed in its bowels". A rather graphic illustration for a breakfast show while crunching ones cornflakes perhaps, but he is very passionate about his views and a worthy leader of the UKIP Party. He came across quite well if perhaps a little Lordishly aloof but nevertheless was quite engaging all round.

Lord Pearson also said that he would freeze immigration totally for 5 years on those seeking permanent residency. However to do that, and he acknowledged this freely, an EU withdrawal would be needed first, because as things stand there is free and easy movement between EU states. He also said that his goal is to continue to push for a referendum on EU membership and expressed disappointment in David Cameron for shelving his referendum plans.

Lord Pearson visits Dover this coming Thursday to give a boost to the campaign of energetic local UKIP candidate and Doverforum member Vic Matcham.

Paul Boland
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