With just a couple of weeks of campaigning left before the General Election, Gwyn Prosser says that the continuing narrowing of the opinion polls show that Labour is bouncing back and for the first time in many months the respected pollsters, Electoral Calculus, are now predicting a narrow win for Labour in the Dover & Deal constituency.
Gwyn said:
“It’s not wise to pay too much attention to individual opinion polls but Electoral Calculus is well regarded, it takes account of a basketful of different polls and this week, for the first time in a long time it’s predicting a Labour victory in Dover & Deal.
“This turn up in Labour’s fortunes is clearly reflected in the responses that I’m picking up on the doorstep and at my Street Stalls. Our Labour campaigning team has stepped-up activity over the last few weeks and their canvass returns are showing a hardening of the Labour vote in all parts of the constituency and people know that no matter how popular Nick Clegg becomes, Dover & Deal remains a two horse race - it's going to be Labour or Conservative.
“It’s clear to me that the closer people look at David Cameron’s plans to hold an emergency budget and make immediate deep cuts – the more they fear that our economic recovery will be strangled and we’ll be plunged back into recession”
Glenys Kinnock Visits Dover.
Baroness Kinnock, Labour’s Minister of State, came to Dover on the High Speed Train on Friday to meet Gwyn Prosser and witness some of the activities at the Community Centre, and visit the Kid Ease Nursery which is part of the Sure Start Children’s Centre at Triangles in Poulton Place.
Gwyn showed her around the Community Centre and they dropped in to see an adult ‘keep fit’ session before visiting the Kid Ease nursery which shares the Triangles site.
Baroness Kinnock said:
“I was delighted to accept Gwyn’s invitation to visit the Sure Start Children’s Centre at Triangles and after seeing all the facilities, talking to the staff and watching the little tots playing so happily, I can well understand why Gwyn is so proud of what Labour has achieved in his constituency for families and their children."
Gwyn said:
“The Government’s Sure Start Children’s Centres have become an essential part of Labour’s efforts to provide high quality child care and offer help and support to parents right across the country.
“There are now eight Children’s Centres up and running or being progressed in my constituency and everyone I meet speaks very highly of them. Labour’s manifesto confirms that we will not only continue funding these important services – they will be enhanced an expanded.
“But if the Tories were elected they would take us from Sure Start to Sure Stop because Mr Cameron says the service would be stopped for all but the poorest of families and he says they would cut £200 million each year from the Sure Start Budget and many Centres would have to close”
“Labour introduced Sure Start Centres to help build strong family relationships supported by a network of local services because a child’s health, happiness and achievements are heavily influenced by their experience before birth and in their earliest years, There are now 3,500 centres helping 2.5 million children and I was pleased to help with the creation of the wonderful centre at Triangles which was one of the first in Kent to be completed”
The Pictures: Top shot shows a nursery worker at Kid Ease, we hope to get her name later but she is doing a sterling job, seen here with our local MP Gwyn Prosser, and of course the legendary and highly active Labourite Glenys Kinnock, who is also wife to moderniser Neil Kinnock, the man credited with making Labour electable again. The second shot shows Gwyn and Glenys with Cllr Viv Revell, Manager of Triangles Community Centre, and Cllr Kevin Mills, Chairman of the St Radigunds Community Centre.