30 April 2010Thursday 29th:Fire in Leyburne Road!
Pictures by Colette Boland
ColetteB as the woman on the spot said...
"I had just got home this afternoon at about 15.40 hrs, I was in the kitchen when there was this almighty bang, I knew instantly that it was very near and I thought that it was a bomb or a huge gas explosion. I ran upstairs to look out of the front bedroom window and I could see flames and thick black smoke bellowing up towards the sky. I immediately phoned 999 for the fire brigade. My neighbours who are quite elderly had ran into their front garden and were trying to see what it was, they seemed very frightened as they thought it was a bomb. I left the house and went to investigate. It was just terrifying to see the state of this house, the top windows had blown out and the firemen were stopping anyone going down Castlemount Road in case of another explosion. They were already hosing down the huge flames. I asked if they knew if anyone was in the house and they said at that stage they didn't know. I hope and pray there was no one at home."
Another Forumite Pat Sherratt said "As Colette says.. quite frigtening.I also heard the bang and then the black smoke.
Police lifted the roadblock at about 5.30pm as three firefighting units in attendance.As at 8.15pm fire investgators still on the scene and two appliances."
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David Hannent in Full Flow in the pictures below explaining his new St James's Proposal.
Yes Deputy Mayor elect and tip top forumite DavidH in full 'Headmaster Hannent' mode, gave us the lowdown (tues 27th) on his new mega plans for inner Dover. The pic on the left shows him frantically but charismatically diagramming, marker scything across the paper in scorching style, while the pic on the right shows him checking that we're all paying attention!.. which of course we were.
Many of you will have seen the feature on this new development idea, written by David Hannent, which we ran on this frontpage for four or five days very recently. This Lunch/Seminar at the Light of India restaurant was a bit of a novel way to bring people together to talk about these new ideas. Approx 45 -50 people attended, many of our own Doverforumites like Ed Connell, Sue Nicholas, Terry Nunn, Jan Tranter, Jeanette Harper, Ken Tranter, Colette Boland, Barry Wadsworth-Smith attended, not to mention yours truly. Also attending were Mayor Sue Jones, Cameron Macsween and Alan Shirley of the Chamber, Derek Leach of the Dover Society, arch campaigner Reg Hansell, and many others.
David Hannent expanded on his aforementioned feature, which can be now seen in our archives (ALL RECENT FEATURES), and welcomed questions from the floor.
For more detailed info and drawings see this earlier feature. DH's new ideas were very much welcomed from the floor but I think it's fair to say that there is an element of frayed weariness associated with the mention of anything DTIZ. People were positive and liked his scheme though, and suggested that Dover's two big players Paul Watkins and Nadeem Aziz be approached, and the sooner the better...in order to get them onboard. David Hannent himself admitted that at this very early stage the scheme is something of 'a pipedream'.
The assembled throng, spread over two tables which were laid out in true 'Last Supper' shape.
A very pleasant and enjoyable meal.
On the left we have former Mayor Ken Tranter with campaigner Reg Hansell photographed just prior to lunch. Always good to see these two formidable guys. The pic on the right shows two ladies just as formidable, or even more so, but of course always good fun too...Wendy Hansell and Sue Nicholas. Sue is a tip top forumite and a very famous hat wearer, but this time.. no hat to be seen. All had plenty to say in support of DH's ideas. This is just a small selection of photographs. End.
Paul Boland