6 April 2009
Welcome to The Carpathian
. One remembers the old geography books as a child, ah yes, the Carpathian Mountains, way over there in central europe, dark brooding forests and spookily rolling hills. But now, one time inhabitants of the Carpathians have come to Dover, to open an all new restaurant..they've taken over the position once occupied by the Sea Breeze and yes its a fantastic idea that hopefully all Dovorians will support. We now have a Hungarian Rhapsody all of our own, a rhapsody of unusual dishes for our delight and delectation, of which more later. Many of us are familiar with the terms...'going for a chinese' or 'going for an indian'...well now you can 'go for a hungarian'. Oh the excitement of it all.
I will have a brave stab at naming all the people in the picture later...but in the meantime it can be a game for our readers...who's who???..Okay here goes, deep breath.....
L to R: Stewart Dimmock, Georgette Rapley, Chris Precious, Sue Jones, Terry Nunn, Maureen Nunn, Jeanette Harper, Noemi Sztanto, David Hannent, Szabolcz Sztanko, Akos Sztanko, Una Mills, Andrea Foldvari, Roger Walkden, Ian Lillford, Mayor Diane Smallwood, Briony Boland.
Well yes the guys on the left are a challenge on the names front, but its concrete proof, if concrete proof were needed, that these enterpreneurs taking this giant leap of faith in mid recession Dover, are the genuine Hungarian article.
Picture shows L to R:
Noemi Sztanko, Mayor of Dover Diane Smallwood, Szabolcs Sztanko, Akos Sztanko and Andrea Foldvari.
The very best of luck to them in their new exciting endeavour.
Let's hope it all goes well.
Two very well known good natured ladies, famous in their own time, yes its Jeanette Harper, leader of the London Road Community Forum, and next to her Mayor in Waiting, Cllr Sue Jones. Both seen here about to sample the delights of the Hungarian cuisine. The pic on the right shows lovely Mayor Diane again, this time getting tucked into the food alongside Georgette Rapley. It all looks like goulash to me! Yummmmm!
Oooh I say!! Scoop! Its all happening here! Well they say its a romantic restaurant, and this is a romantic scene indeed. Councillor and organiser of the evenings proceedings, the jovial Roger Walkden, getting very familiar with Una Mills of DDC. D'etante has nothing on this...and a good time was had by all. Such passion and so little time! That's Cllr David Hannent in the background averting eyes! or to put it another way, pretending not to notice.
Stephanie Precious, busy bee businesswoman, seen here sharing a drink with medical student Briony Boland, as they pause briefly for a photo while waiting to sample the excellent food. There was some very very unusual drinks on offer too. It was a leap into the darkness trying some of them out. But of course one has to try! The pic on the right shows Mayor Diane saying a few well chosen words of welcome to the new owners. Watched in close attendance by Cllr Roger Walkden, the excellent organiser of the excellent event.
To see the menu please go to the website: www.carpathianrestaurant.com
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