The Open Page - Copy 14 (Strangulation of Dour)

12 June 2009

The Strangulation of the River Dour.

Pictures and Words by
Ian Lillford

Barton Path is slowly being choked by weed, the silt is building and this is the opposite effect that the Environment Agency was trying to achieve.

After spending most of today in the river ( Sunday ) and clearing some headway for the flow of the river, the general public walking by had quite a lot to say about it, from 12yr olds to people in their 80's, the same thing was said. Its BLOODY DISGUSTING and someone should be looking after it.

The River Dour is now classed as having MAIN RIVER STATUS ( the same as the River Thames ) and should be maintained as such. This is NOT happening in this case.

Here are some photograph's to enlighten you all as to the problems. Cllr Roger Walkden told me a while back that there was another Councilor who lives near by, who said that the Dour is clean and should not be interfered with.


2 months ago a huge amount of garden rubbish was thrown into the river and a good friend of mine reported it to the council, he gave the house number, shoe size and all.........The result........NOTHING.

WHY are the council not acting on these things? Are they scared or just not bothered?
Why is it the public complain to me and not to the correct people?

I want to help, but am as usual ignored. WHERE WILL THIS ALL END?
Ian Lillford.

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ps: ignore the date on the shots above...Ian's camera is a bit askew.
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