9 July 2009
Sandy Bruce-Lockhart:
Unveiling of Plaque at Dover Castle
The great and the good gathered at Dover Castle for a very pleasant ceremony to unveil a plaque to Lord Bruce-Lockhart, that near lifelong politician who died last year. In his final years though 2007-2008, he was Chairman of English Heritage and showed a particular interest in Dover Castle, and in turn Dover Castle is now remembering him. The plaque is situated in the new and very green Visitor Centre and will be seen and noted by many. As Simon Thurley Chief Executive of English Heritage said..." this will be a lasting tribute to a great man"
This new Centre is a design in glass and oak by award winning architects Wilkinson King. It has a flat green 'live' roof which is intended to blend in delicately with its natural surroundings. Very impressive.

Dover Castle currently attracts more than 300,000 visitors per year and this is likely to increase by 60,000 a year with the new attractions in place.
There was also indications in the general chit chat yesterday that the Castle seem much more interested in working with the town. There are a number of plans in place to do so and more will be revealed about these plans in due course.
It also appears that the Cable Car is not a "pipedream" as many of us thought initially. They are very serious about the project or so it seems. The thinking, as I understand it, is roughly this...they have many many visitors up there in cloud Castle land, while the town below itself is struggling. The Car provides a means for the many visitors to quickly reach and enjoy the town itself after their sojourn at the Castle. That's the theory anyway...according to Dover Castle...and who knows, it might just work!
Pictures: Top shot shows Deputy Mayor of Dover Jan Tranter, who represented Dover Town Council at the event, seen here enjoying her Pimms No. 1 with John Davies, Chairman of the Council for Tunbridge Wells.
Shot no 2 shows the Leader of Dover District Council Paul Watkins, who is still enthusiastic about the DTIZ development and is promising improvements soon, is seen here chatting with Alex King, Deputy Leader of Kent County Council.
Picture no 3 below shows left to right Leader Paul Watkins again, next to Paul the former High Sheriff of Kent the delightful Amanda Cotterel, who is nowadays head of Tourism for the entire county and is currently in negotiations to bring more Irish visitors here. On the righthandside is Paul Carter, Leader of Kent County Council.
Picture below no 4 at bottom of page shows Lady Bruce-Lockhart receiving a presentation on behalf of Dover Castle from Chief Executive Simon Thurley. In the backgound you can see the new plaque. PB

Picture captions above. The Dover Carnival and Pencester coverage is now in All Recent Features - see main menu on left.