Guest 645- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 4,463
I have read this thread with interest. All this talk about 'modernising' 'taking the middle ground' etc is just a load of ********. What the Labour Party really need to do is a return to honesty,decency,trusthworthy,caring and transparency.No more hype or spin but tell the public how it is for instance it is pretty common for most Labour MP's to continue to harp on about an increase in spending on the NHS but thats only a good thing if the service improves.Yes waiting lists are at their lowest in recorded NHS history but hospitals appear to be dirtier,more contaminated and in my experience fuller than ever before. So what I would like to hear from the Govt is a back to basics,scrap targets,reduce form filling,stop rebranding hospitals every other month,get rid of at least 50% of the management and put more nurses doctors surgeons and consultants back on the floor and out of the meeting rooms.
Policing requires more coppers pcso's and a higher visible presence.Crime Prevention is a far better option than crime detection.Reclaim City Centres for the townsfolk.It's more like the Wild West at present.This can only be achieved by a higher Police presence and co-operation and support of the public.So instead of Brown saying we have increased the Police budget by whatever % he should say that by the end of the year each town/city centre will be policed on foot from 5pm until 5am or whenever.With backup units ready to whizz off offenders leaving the beat Bobbies to do their job.
Honesty in the classroom.Better pay for Teachers,classes of no more than 20 pupils,free internet service.Discounted electric.Free milk for all Primary school kids. More Teachers asistants.These are the things I want to hear and once there in place better results will follow.But its crazy chasing targets where schools have classes of 35 and have a shortage of books materials and Educators.Lets get the basics right first.
I just want my MP to be honest and hopefully regain the trust that has been lost in recent weeks.
Sorry this post is a bit garbled but I fell out of bed and banged my head so have a whooping headache but hopefully you will get my drift forget the spin lets get working together not just seeing how much we can all make out of it.
I think therefore I am (not a Tory supporter)
Guest 687- Registered: 2 Jun 2009
- Posts: 513
Keith I am not discrediting previous Mayors and especially your mother who was a wonderful Mayor and a tremendous representative of the Town as was Jan, but as long as one party controls the Council, mayors will only come from their ranks.
This for a position which should be a reward for those who have shown an outstanding commitmemt to the Town and for a position that once accepted should be nuetral and fair.
I will hold my hand up and admit I too may have let party loyalty influence some of the decisions I made whilst Mayor and also in my preference for committees. However if future mayors are based on party loyalty then the likes of David Hannent, David LLoyd etc will never achieve a position they so richly deserve.
Marek - as ever, good sense and from the heart. I cannot argue with any of your suggestions and wouldn't want to. Other than to say that the NHS actually needs good managers, and needs to scrap many of the frontline workers who are rubbish and recruit perhaps fewer but better nurses, doctors etc. The majority are shameful, there are a few decent ones. Cut out the dead wood including management, get in good ones: fewer, but better, pay them better, manage them better, attract better quality and make sure they deliver. Same for education.
Guest 645- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 4,463
I agree Bern. Deadwood was the phrase I was searching for but the bump on my head wouldn't allow it to come to the front.As an Uncle with a niece with a Nursing BSc and working overseas and another niece awaiting her nursing degree results why is it that the NHS have so "many frontline workers who are rubbish". Are they British or overseas workers. I know my nieces are thinking of coming to nurse in the UK as they have tremendous respect and admiration for the NHS.
I suppose what I was actually saying that the services need a complete MOT not just flinging buckets of cash at them.
I think therefore I am (not a Tory supporter)
The rubbish workers are simply in the wrong job and not managed effectively. Poor recruitment started it, when the NHS dithered about what it wanted from nurses and doctors and failed to ensure consistent and measurable standards and failed to performance managed; poor management compounded it, when ineffectual workers were booted upstairs because they weren't challenged or managed out; poor resouces administered the death-blow. I have sat through interminable meetings with intellectually challenged power-drunk pi**-poor managers who can't make a decision between them and when it fails scout about for someone to blame. Predictable and avoidable if someone with some real b***s managed it properly. I have witnessed appalling shoddy careless thoughtless practices by nurses which appears to be the norm, as no-one else seemed to notice it, and when challenged about it simply became hostile or again scouted around for someone to blame. Did a nurse put the plate of food at the bottom of the bed so that the elderly person couldn't reach it and then take it away saying the patient didn;'t want it? Shortage of staff!! Did the nurse fail to complete the important fluid charts that are crucial to the monitoring of wellbeing and vitals? No time!! never anyones responsibility, never time to care or support. And the shame of it is, the decent ones leave because they are outnumbered and there is no collective will to sort it out properly. Slice and dice is what's needed.
Guest 674- Registered: 25 Jun 2008
- Posts: 3,391
Hope your head gets better soon lol
On your posting;
1; NHS
Your right, as i , and many others have said in other postings, we need the
matron back with all tyhe powers she had before.
I feared the matron when i used to pick up my wife who was a nurse from the
Get rid of top management that are dead wood and proved to be.
Bring back in house cleaning under the matron who will oversee it all
Make the NHS one to be proud of again
Allow teachers to teach, and give them powers of disipline which is reasonable
less paperwork for teachers, and more help for them, better training
Guest 653- Registered: 13 Mar 2008
- Posts: 10,540
Both of your suggestions sound eminently sensible Keith, but who will listen ?
Marek's comments were also spot on.
Guest 655- Registered: 13 Mar 2008
- Posts: 10,247
Actually Roger, giving doctors clinical control and heads control in the schools by getting rid of targets are Conservative policy. It was in the last manifesto and from the policy review panels is almost certainly to be part of the next manifesto.
BarryW - I am stunned to be in agreement again. I need to take a walk in the fresh air! There are three threads on here in which I seem to concur completely with Conservative views. I may have been reading too much Torygraph and not enough Grauniad.....somebody stop me!
Sid Pollitt
I suppose that the worry for the [lacklustre] opposition is that Labour will be governing will an albeit reduced majority. The omens dont look good for the Tories, they didnt make the breakthrough in this month's elections and will struggle to get the swing of 8% that they need. There is also the matter of no oppostion leader in recent history being elected PM unless they have been an MP for several parliaments.
And the Tories have found in recent times that the public dont elect a folicly challenged man as PM, and with the way Gordon Brown is wiping the floor with Cameron at the moment it's rumoured party strategists are getting ready to dump him before he is as bald as Hague or IDS.
Guest 684- Registered: 26 Feb 2009
- Posts: 635
Mayors should be totally independent, apolitical and non-party aligned (as should councils).
Mayors should have real local clout to get stuff done, as they do in France - not just there for glad-handing, photo opportunities and ceremonial guff.
Cheers all,
Guest 674- Registered: 25 Jun 2008
- Posts: 3,391
Again sid well done well researched and gives another side to the story.
So it aint going to be that easy for the tories then
Sid Pollitt
Cameron is also left-handed I believe, not that it's a problem BUT the country has never elected a leftie as PM. That's probably the only time he's been called a leftie.