Guest 645- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 4,463
22 August 2009
18:5727778Alan Scard MP the Tory goon has again landed himself in hot water over comments on a C4 interview. He suggested that only attractive women should become MPs.
It would appear that the Tory party feel so confident of victory in the next general election that they are feeling free to express the true side of their nature without fear of reprimand or damage to their party.
I think therefore I am (not a Tory supporter)
Guest 674- Registered: 25 Jun 2008
- Posts: 3,391
22 August 2009
21:3227786Just shows how WRONG barryw was in other postings on selection !!!!
Guest 655- Registered: 13 Mar 2008
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22 August 2009
21:5727788What a load of drivel.
This bloke is a Constituency Chairman and in that role he should not make a joke such as this. When you are responsible for a selection procedure you must be seen to be impartial and to conduct matters fairly. I have been in that role and position and know what I am talking about. So he was wrong to say that.
As for so called sexist jokes generally, I love em.... and why the hell not, just because some people have a sense of humour failure as slaves to political correctness.
howard mcsweeney1- Location: Dover
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
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22 August 2009
22:1627790"what a load of drivel" !!
does that line add quality to debate?
Guest 674- Registered: 25 Jun 2008
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23 August 2009
Guest 653- Registered: 13 Mar 2008
- Posts: 10,540
23 August 2009
07:0327799We've all heard of Essex jokes, or Blonde jokes; do girls from Essex get upset at them ? do blondes understand them ? (only joking of course)
They are harmless fun with no malice whatsoever.
I agree it wasn't a sensible thing to say - joke or not, but too many people grab on to something - anything, just to have a grumble.
It seems to me that labour supporters are so worried, that they'll pick fault with anything a Tory MP (or Councillor) will say.
Guest 674- Registered: 25 Jun 2008
- Posts: 3,391
23 August 2009
Not true at all, if it were a Labour/lib Dem/indy/non political or whatever it would be no diffrent I Would be just as critical.
Guest 653- Registered: 13 Mar 2008
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23 August 2009
07:1927807That's good to hear Keith - have a good Sunday.
Guest 653- Registered: 13 Mar 2008
- Posts: 10,540
23 August 2009
07:1927808Double posting - sorry.
Guest 674- Registered: 25 Jun 2008
- Posts: 3,391
23 August 2009
07:2327812You have a good Sunday to, I have at times been critical of Labour, BNP, lib dem
but at least there is some kind of mix of ideas between ourselves.
As i'v said many times we may not always agree, but thsat doesnt matter.
Its about debate and getting the best for UK Kent, Dover Daistrict, Priory maxton area.
Wherever we can influence thats far more important
Guest 640- Registered: 21 Apr 2007
- Posts: 7,819
23 August 2009
07:2927816Doesnt this 'joke' nevertheless go to show that despite attempts at modernisation by David Cameron, the Tory Party is still riddled with old fogeys who think women should only be allowed to make the tea and cucumber sandwiches. This was always the trditional role of the women at Conservative groups..a fine body of women who supported their men, who went to The House as careerist politicians.
Times of course have moved on but there is still this core feeling not only about women but about allsorts of traditions of who you are, what golf club you belong to, and dare one even say it...what colour you are!?
This is something of course that would be vehemently denied.
An example of the club like nature of the whole rather detached business of Conservatism, is the story in yesterdays Daily Mail, that well known Tory organ, who have 'found' Alan Duncan's holiday hideaway. For a guy on "rations" he isnt doing too badly. He is on a very exclusive tropical and exotic Island in Indonesia with his male partner, basking in the pink gin glorious sunshine. This is a guy who thinks he is experiencing hardship!!
Guest 674- Registered: 25 Jun 2008
- Posts: 3,391
23 August 2009
Yep think the conservatives have been trying to cloud this issue its clear for everyone(except tories) that this trend of old that Paulb has clearly highlighted and the greed such as the MAIL indicates of Duncan just shows nothing has changed, the tories are still a party of greed and the past.
I wish cameron luck he is going to need it
Guest 653- Registered: 13 Mar 2008
- Posts: 10,540
23 August 2009
07:4827822I think that people like Duncan are the exception rather than the rule; two or three MP's doesn't a party make.
The majority of Conservative MP's are O.K. and have the right values; I'm sure there are a few old Labour MP's who are living in the past and hanker for that past to come back.
Guest 674- Registered: 25 Jun 2008
- Posts: 3,391
23 August 2009
07:5527825Yes im sure your right ROGER
but its about has the tory party realy moved on? looks like they havnt
and duncan is a leading Tory
As i say I wish Cameron luck hes going to need it(a lot of it)
23 August 2009
08:5127829Firstly: jokes are funny, but they are also a social way of keeping the status quo (apologies). Historically, reducing groups of people by poking fun at them, trivialising them, has been an effective way to keep people in their place. Useful when the jokes are about Hitler, less so when they are about vulnerable people, the mentally ill, ethnic minoritiy groups, etc. Second: politicians have political and social sensitivity written into their job descriptions, ditto media savvy. If a leading tory has made a dubious joke it reveals a number of things, among them that he is a fool.
Guest 655- Registered: 13 Mar 2008
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23 August 2009
09:0127832PaulB, Alan Duncan, as a homosexual leading Conservative, in some ways is an example of why you are totally wrong about the Conservative Party.
The Conservative Ladies have always been very powerful in the grass roots organisation. If anything it is among them where the last vestiges of the old fashioned attitudes you refer to exist in so far as it influences them in their choice of candidates. Any candidate has to get the ladies on-side to get through a selection and they are far less likely to support a woman. I do have first hand experience of that.
Male attitudes in the Conservative Party are much more complex. Take me for example. Personally I like these traditional values and believe society would be a lot better off with these. But, I also believe in freedom and any woman who wants a career whether in politics or elsewhere should be able to do so and should expect fair and equal treatment in that career choice. Remember it is the Conservatives who had the first woman Prime Minister, one who is still held in the greatest esteem by Conservatives and many others. Conservative men are far more likely to support a good female candidate entirely on her merits without being influenced by prejudices.
The real difference we are talking about in this thread is in respect of a sense of humour.
The left lost theirs when they adopted political correctness. I have to say I have often found a lot of 'left wingers' to be far too self rightious with their politics, adopting a totally unjustified air of po-faced intellectual superiority.
On the right we still have a sense of humour and can still laugh at blonde jokes, Essex girls and anything else come to that. Long may that continue.
DT1- Location: Dover
- Registered: 15 Apr 2008
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23 August 2009
09:2927833The left isn't concerned with being 'self-righteous', just 'righteousness'. Self-righteous would be justifying what you like running people down for fun.
I find it funny that so many contemporary comedians have a leaning to the left, many of the alternative standups, reacting to the society of the 80's. Not having to rely on jokes about mother-in-laws or 'my mate Chalky'. Humour has moved on, much like society and although my Dad find the likes of Jim Davidson funny, I just find him rather sad and dated...things move on.
I actually think Jim Davidson is a big Tory fan, I'm sure he would like thing 'as they were' rather than anything you'd have to think about!
Guest 655- Registered: 13 Mar 2008
- Posts: 10,247
23 August 2009
10:0627834I am a big Jim Davidson fan and indeed he is a Conservative as well. Bring back Chalky, I say!!!
The left like to think of themselves as 'rightious' and that is their problem. It is really self rightousness.
DT1- Location: Dover
- Registered: 15 Apr 2008
- Posts: 1,116
23 August 2009
11:2227837Yes you have to love these rascist, wife beating alcoholic types. This is where intent gets blurred and why people get upset about people making 'jokes' that apparently have 'no malice'
Jim Davidson 'jokes' about women with that stupid voice, making his wife/mother/any woman seem thick; but he IS sexist, has beaten previous partners and clearly has no respect for women.
Jim Davidson 'jokes' about his friend 'Chalky' again with another stupid voice (it's clever stuff Jim); but he IS rascist and has got a dated imperialist attitude where the white man rules.
Many a true word is spoken in jest. Jim Davidson comes from an age when people where less tolerant, his message being one of hate, not of humour. This isn't about people losing their sense of humour but of our nation realising the truth. So we can say anything we like if it's 'just a joke', of course not! Would we tolerate a pro-terrorist joke?...."it's OK I'm only joking!!!" The fact is by these 'jokes' people actually show their true colours.
It's alright though, it's OK to beat up your wife and spread hate as long as you do some work for charity. "Here you go Jim have an OBE, you're just the sort of bloke we need in this country" I personally worry when 'supporting' our troops whether he is backing them in the name of righteousness and future peace (as we are) or whether he supports them from a point of British supremacism?
Righteousness is a shared judgement, self-righteousness is defined by the individual...the teritory of the political right!
Guest 655- Registered: 13 Mar 2008
- Posts: 10,247
23 August 2009
11:3827838We have totally different attitudes here DT1.
I simply do not see the world as you do and visa-versa. I enjoy Jim Davidson's humour and always will. I simply do not agree with your analysis, some things have to be taken at face value, as just fun. I see no hate in his humour, just humour. Yes it pokes fun at people, that is an ageless form of humour and it will always exist, no matter what the pc brigade try to do to supress it. If you were the object of fun then far better to laugh with it and poke fun back in the other direction, its a lot healthier. Too many people these days have forgotten how to laugh at themselves and that is sad.
As for your last point, the opposite is true, there is nothing more obnoxious and self-rightious than some idiot left wing, so called, intellectual. Its left wing politics, pretending to be about 'the greater good', that is really all about self and making themselves feel good, in denial of the damage their policies do.