Guest 641- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 2,335
18 August 2009
17:4827544While I was in Market Square this morning quite a few people were relaxing in the sun watching the International Athletics, so I joined them for a minute or two
Guest 671- Registered: 4 May 2008
- Posts: 2,095
18 August 2009
18:1627545As did I last Sunday, plenty people taking in sun and surroundings. The screen is beginning to have a positive effect,I think. I enjoyed it anyway.
"My New Year's Resolution, is to try and emulate Marek's level of chilled out, thoughtfulness and humour towards other forumites and not lose my decorum"
Sue Nicholas- Location: river
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 6,020
18 August 2009
22:5627560You could always sit in Market Square and take the sun.Hopefully have a natter with someone .Now the screen takes away the art of conversation .If you are not interested in whats being shewn its like an invasion of ones privacy .At least in your home you have choice.
19 August 2009
01:5327563I do have to giggle as I pass it every morning and yet the time on what is on is so off the mark, 21.23pm when it was 08.01 the other day - but I do find it enteraining, and I can't wait for the football and olympics to start - I love an atmosphere x
19 August 2009
06:5327564Honestly, it really hasn't taken away the art of conversation: people in market square will talk over their drinks if they want to! It is telly at home that interferes with conversation. What level of privacy are you seeking in a public market square??!!
Guest 655- Registered: 13 Mar 2008
- Posts: 10,247
19 August 2009
08:1627570While walking through the market square today at 7am, when the dog took me for a walk, I was watching the weather report and noticed a serious lip sync problem. Its not just a microsecond that can look odd, but quite a big difference that was very noticable. There is a small aspect ratio problem as well, the picture looks a bit stretched at the sides at times.
I am very fussy about tv and want a good picture, in the original aspect ratio, and no lip sync problems. I really could not sit and watch that tv for long at all, not that I would watch a sporting event either, for which lip sync isnt a problem, unless its the half-time talking heads. Sad though that a huge investment like that cannot be set up properly without lip sync or a/r problems.
Guest 641- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 2,335
19 August 2009
09:2327574The art of conversation was not lost in fact it was enhanced, I struck up a conversation with three people whilst watching the athletics, two of them complete strangers who were visiting Dover for a few days who felt the screen was great!
19 August 2009
11:1627576God nows how the screen takes away from the art of conversation, its hardly so loud you can't talk over it
. As Barry said people are stopping, taking it in and actually talking to people around them which can only be a good thing. Then again before the screen appreared i'm sure the square was always full of people taking in the sun!!
Guest 684- Registered: 26 Feb 2009
- Posts: 635
19 August 2009
12:3527577Good positive stuff - makes a nice change!
Now let's get those empty shops spruced up with big blown-up prints of old Dover filling every - and I mean every - window and inject some pride and passion back into our town centre's centrepiece area - all the way from the disgusting Party Planners wreck downwards for starters.
Until such time as all the continental cafes, quirky little shops and market stalls move in and really galvanise the square back to life, that is! (Here's hoping...)
Oh, and can someone also please get rid of the ridiculous and unsightly 'elf 'n safety-esque orange fencing around the screen - it looks beyond rubbish, and is knackering the aesthetics, man! If some drunken dunce want to climb up onto the screen and throw himself off it, then that's between him and his maker, surely...not our concern.
Onwards and upwards - floreat Dubris!
19 August 2009
15:4627582Guest 684- Registered: 26 Feb 2009
- Posts: 635
19 August 2009
16:2927585Thanks Bern!
19 August 2009
16:2927586I'm booking my seat for the 12th September - Last Night of the Proms on the Big Screen. Linda
Guest 663- Registered: 20 Mar 2008
- Posts: 1,136
19 August 2009
18:0427594See you there then David have my invite should be a very rousing evening
19 August 2009
20:2727601I didn't realise I had to have an invite to watch the Big Screen on the 12th - are they fencing off Market Square? I was just going to go along with a few friends.
howard mcsweeney1- Location: Dover
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 62,352
19 August 2009
22:0527606when is the official opening?
let us hope for a nice balmy evening for the proms.
20 August 2009
06:5827614What a lovely idea! I hope that horrible orange fencing will be gone by then. It sounds like a good evening.
Brian Dixon- Location: Dover
- Registered: 23 Sep 2008
- Posts: 23,940
20 August 2009
07:1127617dose that mean bring your own bottle and a bag of fisn and chips?.
Sue Nicholas- Location: river
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 6,020
20 August 2009
08:3227622Dont forget your flags and hats .
Sue Nicholas- Location: river
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 6,020
20 August 2009
08:4127624Brian **** what i think of the screen .How many people will be able to sit and watch .You need to be seated or stand a fair way back .I recall the grand opening of The White Cliffs Experience a cold May morning .I think approx 200 were seated but the rows did go almost to the musuem .Keith I wore a pale pink hat .I think Paul Watkins was Chairman at that time.
Guest 653- Registered: 13 Mar 2008
- Posts: 10,540
20 August 2009
11:5927632I walked through the Marker Square this morning about 10.30 and they were showing a rock concert direct from the Planet Zog - quite loud it was too; maybe their ears don't work as well there, so it had to be turned up for those Zogs who were sitting watching.