Guest 645- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 4,463
I am not concerned as to whether the service provided in hospitals is private or nationalised what I am concerned about are standards. We have given the private sector umpteen opportunities to get it right and it's obvious they can't.So it's time to decent salaries..have inservice training courses,ie hygiene,health and safety at work etc.Ensure that all employees are properly vetted ,have the right to work in the UK and are able to pass a written and oral test in English.We need changing rooms so staff do NOT walk to work in their uniforms having cooked little Peters breakfast followed by a quick fag en route to work.They come to work and then get changed into a uniform cleaned daily by their employer and vice versa at the end of their duty.There has to be some form of career structure coupled with an index linked pay award system. Until we get the basics right we will fall into the old trap of ..paying peanuts and getting monkeys syndrome.
I think therefore I am (not a Tory supporter)
Guest 641- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 2,335
That's a very good point you have made there Marek, I see many care workers going to and from work in their uniforms for various shifts every day. They could pick up any type of bacteria as you say, going about their daily routine and a case of a routine sterilising handwash will not suffice
I could not agree more with all the above. Nursing in particular, but health services generally, have deteriorated drastically since the seventies. Almost every aspect of nursing has been devalued - the training is inappropriate, the recruitment is inept, people going into nursing now have little of the motivations of the nurses I knew years ago and quite honestly don't give a damn and don't care that they don't give a damn. I know there are some great nurses, some to whom I would trust my life, but the majority are, to quote that poor politician recently who dared to critisise nurses, dirty, careless and ignorant. I used to nurse - I would be ashamed to be part of that sector now. I realise there are many factors that have led to this, but frankly that's not my problem - my problem is being faced with "nurses" who couldn't care less if they tried.
Guest 661- Registered: 16 Mar 2008
- Posts: 241
Must agree with Marek in his posting when I go to work in the morning every day I see nurses going into the Hospital wearing their uniforms, very unhygienic. also at any time during the day in the past you could see theatre staff wearing scrubs walking to the post office in lambton road to buy sweets and drinks also ciggies, which they then proceeded to smoke out side the hospital wall area. I'm not adverse to anyone having a fag break as I'm a smoker my self, but not in your scrubs on display. The nursing staff should not walk the streets in uniforms and then go into a supposedly clean environment in the same uniforms. they should use civvies to work and then change.
A dog is just not for christmas save some for boxing day