Marek has, as usual, hit the nail on the head: vote, use your only source of power in a corrupt political landscape. Frankly, red or blue, orange or yellow, they are all scum and I don't trust any of them. The past few months have really flagged up the depths to which our political system has sunk, when we can no longer admire or respect the people who try to buy and bully our votes, when the people who project themselves as leaders and respectable citizens are no more trustworthy than Del Boy or Private Joe Walker (those under the age of 49 may be excused for not knowing who that is. Clue: Dads Army)!!!!!
We have known for some time, on a hidden level, that our politicians were less than wholesome, but we are now having to acknowledge it. Whoever you vote for, the Government gets in. I don't feel attracted to Anarchy (any more - time was..........) but what options do we have?
Answers on the back of a postage stamp please.......
Guest 655- Registered: 13 Mar 2008
- Posts: 10,247
Keith - you are working hard to keep your spirits up but face the facts, Labour is sinking into a cesspool of its own making and the country will once again need the Conservatives to get the economy working again. Sid is right, no hung Parliament. The simple fact is that a hung Parliament is the best labour can hope for and its not much of a hope.
We have seen a hint of what a hung Parliament (or re-elected Labour) would mean. Sterling would collapse along with the Bond markets and the UK AAA rating would be lost. In short, the cuts needed to rescue the sinking economy will be a lot deeper than otherwise.
Brian - that fool John Butterfill is not standing at the next election and that is likely to be called in less than 2 weeks, so to suspend him would be pointless gesture. The man was boasting that he would get a peerage and has been told in no uncertain terms that he wont!