Sue Nicholas- Location: river
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 6,024
The application for flats to be built In Snargate Street / Adrian Street have been passed.The Labour group were apposed and queried why they were not affordable and no parking provision .This will alter the skyline. And the Setting of the Unitarian Church.7
ray hutstone- Registered: 1 Apr 2018
- Posts: 2,158
Sue Nicholas wrote:The application for flats to be built In Snargate Street / Adrian Street have been passed.The Labour group were apposed and queried why they were not affordable and no parking provision .This will alter the skyline. And the Setting of the Unitarian Church.7
I understand that the officers recommended the application be approved but I'm still surprised it got through in that form. The concerns about affordability and lack of parking are justified.
Sue Nicholas- Location: river
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 6,024
Yes Ray .I despair .I keep saying once it’s approved end of story.No right to appeal .Some one does not live locally will have a nice little earner.There was no 106. Money something the Labour Councillors questioned.
Another large house being built in that lovely hamlet of Coldred..
Keith Sansum1
- Location: london
- Registered: 25 Aug 2010
- Posts: 23,908
It is a shame how planning slowly changing giving more rights to developers and less to local people
Sue Nicholas- Location: river
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 6,024
Yes I agree.The,one at Coldred ob jections from their Parish Council.Might as well saved the breath.
Sue Nicholas- Location: river
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 6,024
Sue Nicholas wrote:Yes I agree.The,one at Coldred ob jections from their Parish Council.Might as well saved their breath.
Gary39- Registered: 7 Jul 2017
- Posts: 451
Surely there should be parking provision in this day and age.. parking around there is going to be a nightmare.
ray hutstone- Registered: 1 Apr 2018
- Posts: 2,158
The role of the Council in managing controversial planning applications has not been beyond reproach, that's for sure.
Talking of which, I see that an application for judical review has been lodged in respect of the development at London Road, Sholden together with indemnification of the Council leader. The details don't appear to be in the public domain though.
Keith Sansum1
- Location: london
- Registered: 25 Aug 2010
- Posts: 23,908
The sign of things to come
The Gov- Registered: 24 May 2020
- Posts: 151
From the planning list this week.
Land north of Eastling down farm cottages Sandwich road.
Change of use to Gypsy/Traveller site 10 Pitches.

- Location: Dover
- Registered: 22 Jul 2016
- Posts: 3,044
The Gov wrote:From the planning list this week.
Land north of Eastling down farm cottages Sandwich road.
Change of use to Gypsy/Traveller site 10 Pitches.
(Not my real name.)
Captain Haddock
- Location: Marlinspike Hall
- Registered: 8 Oct 2012
- Posts: 8,026
I was talking to a lock-keeper on a canal in the West Midlands last week and observed that while most of the canals had teemed with wildlife such as ducks and coots and swans and so on, over the last mile or so I had seen hardly anything, and asked whether this was due to pollution of some sort.
He informed me there was a traveler camp nearby and they would 'shoot anything that moved'!

"We are living in very strange times, and they are likely to get a lot stranger before we bottom out"
Dr. Hunter S Thompson
Karlos- Location: Dover
- Registered: 1 Oct 2012
- Posts: 2,514
Something about to happen to the old Good Luck Chinese restaurant.
67-69 High Street
CT16 1EB
Change of use and AW
conversion to 6 no.
self-contained flats (C3),
erection of bin store,
steps/railings to front
elevation, cycle store, first
floor rear terrace with
balustrade, alterations to
windows, doors and
associated works (existing
shop front to be demolished)
Jan Higgins likes this
Reginald Barrington
- Location: Dover
- Registered: 17 Dec 2014
- Posts: 3,249
Karlos wrote:Something about to happen to the old Good Luck Chinese restaurant.
67-69 High Street
CT16 1EB
Change of use and AW
conversion to 6 no.
self-contained flats (C3),
erection of bin store,
steps/railings to front
elevation, cycle store, first
floor rear terrace with
balustrade, alterations to
windows, doors and
associated works (existing
shop front to be demolished)
Going by the current state of affairs our cllrs will probably reject a proposal that removes an eyesore from the high street!
Arte et Marte
Captain Haddock
- Location: Marlinspike Hall
- Registered: 8 Oct 2012
- Posts: 8,026
Yet more 'much needed housing'?
Remember roughly 200 more people drop dead in the district each year than are born!
Meanwhile :- The Home Office says 592 migrants reached the UK on 16 boats on Thursday - the highest figure for a single day. 25 people on one boat arrived on Friday.
Just saying .....
"We are living in very strange times, and they are likely to get a lot stranger before we bottom out"
Dr. Hunter S Thompson
Jan Higgins
- Location: Dover
- Registered: 5 Jul 2010
- Posts: 13,850
All change?
21/01398 Unit 2B St James Retail And Leisure Park
St James Street
CT16 1QD
Change of use from Restaurant (Use class E(b))
to Commercial, Business
and Service (Use class E)
I try to be neutral and polite but it is hard and getting even more difficult at times.
Karlos- Location: Dover
- Registered: 1 Oct 2012
- Posts: 2,514
22/00107 Former Partco Autoparts Ltd
Granville Street
CT16 2LF
Erection of 5no. terraced RAM
dwellings, cycle/bins stores
and associated parking
(existing buildings to be
Makes a change from flats.
Are RAM dwellings for sheep?
Partco haven't been in that building for years and the application includes the ex-Blackman building for years.
Hopefully somebody remembers the plaque on the building.
Ross Miller
- Location: London Road, Dover
- Registered: 17 Sep 2008
- Posts: 3,702
RAM is the initials of the planning officer dealing with the application...
"Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today." - James Dean
"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength,
While loving someone deeply gives you courage" - Laozi
Karlos- Location: Dover
- Registered: 1 Oct 2012
- Posts: 2,514
One of this week's notable planning applications
21/01226 Kearsney Railway Station,
Kearsney Goods Yard
Alkham Road
Temple Ewell
CT17 0RN
Erection of 2no. 3 storey
blocks incorporating 12no.
flats, play area, landscaping
and associated parking
(existing buildings to be
demolished, trees to be
Keith Sansum1
- Location: london
- Registered: 25 Aug 2010
- Posts: 23,908
Is that Diesel Johnnie's old site ?