Keep an eye out for the Red Arrows from tomorrow til Sunday - they are based at Manston for the weekend with displays at Eastbourne each day so may pass by
Thursday 12th August
1050 - Reds arrive Manston
1246 - Reds depart Manston
1300 - Reds display Eastbourne
1333 - Reds recover Manston
1623 - Reds depart Manston
1640 - Reds display Lowestoft
1716 - Reds recover Manston
Friday 13th August
1213 - Reds depart Manston
1230 - Reds display Lowestoft
1306 - Reds recover Manston
1613 - Reds depart Manston
1630 - Reds display Eastbourne
1703 - Reds recover Manston
Saturday 14th August
1613 - Reds depart Manston
1630 - Reds display Eastbourne
1703 - Reds recover Manston
Sunday 15th August
1330 - Reds depart Manston