I'm thinking of starting up a Scrabble league based at The White Horse, starting in the autumn. It would be on Tuesday nights September - June with a Christmas break and a decent prize for the winner and runner up when the league ends in June.
I'd be looking for a minimum of twelve members, a maximum of eighteen. Membership would be free, a small weekly fee of a couple of quid to play to cover costs of boards and the prizes. Three points for a win, one for a tie and a small weekly prize awarded to the player with the highest individual word score. A full set of rules will be drawn up.
If you're interested (and serious about it) could you please send me an email to
fabric@thefabricfairy.co.uk to register your interest; I'll get back to you soon. Or, if you know of anyone who you think might be interested, could you please pass on the word. I'll try to get this mentioned in the local press as well.
The idea is to have a bit of fun on a weekly basis without it being too serious. I know a lot of people take Scrabble very seriously, and we would have to have an arbiter to resolve any squabbles, but hopefully people will see it as a social occasion and not an anoraks convention.
I've spoken to mein host (und mein freund) Jeanette and she's up for it, so please sign up and let's make it a goer.
True friends stab you in the front.